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Thread: My coticule just arrived!

  1. #11
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    I have a bbw/coti on order from srd. I should get it this week. I was looking to use a synthetic progression progression up to 12k, then the coti with water only for the finish. Or should I use the bbw side after the bevel and then finish on the coti? I know grits are in an extremely broad range with naturals. I have read that bbw can be in the 4k range.If so, then bevel, bbw and coti?

  2. #12
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bill3152 View Post
    I have a bbw/coti on order from srd. I should get it this week. I was looking to use a synthetic progression progression up to 12k, then the coti with water only for the finish. Or should I use the bbw side after the bevel and then finish on the coti? I know grits are in an extremely broad range with naturals. I have read that bbw can be in the 4k range.If so, then bevel, bbw and coti?

    The BBW - Coticule finish after the bevel set is basically the old way of thinking,, Honestly I really like doing that progression on much older Sheffield razors, it takes a little more time but I feel it gives a very smooth shave... I am thinking back, but I am pretty sure most of the Stub Tails I get in, go out that way

    Try it both ways and see for yourself
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    The BBW - Coticule finish after the bevel set is basically the old way of thinking,, Honestly I really like doing that progression on much older Sheffield razors, it takes a little more time but I feel it gives a very smooth shave... I am thinking back, but I am pretty sure most of the Stub Tails I get in, go out that way

    Try it both ways and see for yourself
    I just happened to get a big box from SRD. My chosera 1k, and my coti/bbw combo. I did just that. Lapped all three set a bevel on the chosera.( seems faster than the norton 1k) and raised some slurry with dmt on the bbw and did 10 sets of 20 circles, slurry broke down, dilute, 10 laps, another slurry 10 sets, then 20 x strokes on water only. Hit the coti, same slurry with the dmt, same 10 sets of 20 circles, etc. Then water only 20 x strokes. The coti feels sticky. Anyway no hht off the hone, 75 leather and I got a HHT3 i would say. Im used to 4s and 5s with film and my new jnat. I will shave tomorrow with it. If my progression is off or any advice, Im all ears! Thanks! Oh BTW I used a modern TI. Thats been my guinea pig lately.

  4. #14
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Not sure if I read that right.. But if I did, then you did over 400 circles combined ??? after a bevel set ???

  5. #15
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    Yes. Short circles into the slurry. Actually 800 combined 400 bbw 400 coti.
    Last edited by bill3152; 07-08-2013 at 10:46 PM.

  6. #16
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    That is a whole lotta honing...

  7. #17
    Senior Member 1holegrouper's Avatar
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    I know the new TI's take a bit more strokes since they are so hard but if i had to guess I would go back to the Chosera. I suspect a U bevel instead of a V bevel. The bevel will cut but not pop
    If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four sharpening the axe. - A. Lincoln

  8. #18
    Senior Member 1holegrouper's Avatar
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    PS: I personally don't like to use any slurry on the Chosera. For naturals a little helps but I think most overdo it.
    If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four sharpening the axe. - A. Lincoln

  9. #19
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    I watched a video of Maksim from JNS honing on a j Nat, and doc from B&B on a jnat doing a large amount of short circles , many more than I did. I don't think it took me 10 minutes and since naturals almost aren't capable of over honing what's the big deal then? The bevel was not u shaped as I did test it for sharpness after the bevel. The edge grabbed the wet thumbnail so it was set. And passed hht after strop. And i dont have a wire edge or bur. I haven't shaved with it yet but my guess is it will be a good one. And isn't that all that matters?

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1holegrouper View Post
    PS: I personally don't like to use any slurry on the Chosera. For naturals a little helps but I think most overdo it.
    I didn't raise a slurry on the chosera, water only.

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