I am practicing honing on some ebay razors(which are all completely blunt, to the point of being butter knives), and i managed to get one (a bonsa 9/16) to the point it would shave my face.
I achieved this by first using 1500 grit sandpaper and then using the Norton 4k/8k to get it not brilliantly sharp but sharp so that it removed hair from my face. I was trying desparately to get this sharper by using the norton with pyramids, but it never seemed to get any better. I then tried going back to the 1500, and spent some(more than i felt comfortable with) time on that, then very few strokes on the 4 & 8k stones which then surprisingly left me with a sucessful HHT and very sharp razor.
When using the 4k/8k after 1500 on blunt razors, is it more likely to need very few strokes ?
I am a bit wary to try it on any other razors in case using the paper is removing too much metal.
Is it acceptable to say that if the 4 & 8k stones don't seem to get it any sharper then it needs to go to the paper?
Should a razor that did actually shave my face, even though it was not a great shave ever need to be honed on such a rough grit?
Any suggestions would be appreciated as i have several more razors i would like to get as sharp as this one.