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Thread: How to set a perfect bevel ?

  1. #1
    Junior Member Winblows's Avatar
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    Question How to set a perfect bevel ?

    I still can't set a bevel on a vintage razor, that will allow me to hone it well all the way down the edge. I always end up with the HHT, that only works in the middle of the blade.

  2. #2
    Senior Member meleii's Avatar
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    Try using a rolling x stroke. Or honing with a heel forward 45° stroke.

    Is it one specific razor or is it any vintage razor? If it's one specific could you post some pics?
    bill3152 likes this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Hello Winblows, don't sweat it, all razors are different & should be looked at individually when honing.
    Spend some time reading the Library section & the threads that pertain to bevel setting. Use the "Advance Search" button, above right, not the GOOGLE search, then enter into the key words box "bevel setting". This will give you the threads where bevel setting is discussed.

    Enjoy the journey.
    Geezer, WW243 and crouton976 like this.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Winblows's Avatar
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    Yes, I'll start searching threads.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Hello Winblows, don't sweat it, all razors are different & should be looked at individually when honing.
    Spend some time reading the Library section & the threads that pertain to bevel setting. Use the "Advance Search" button, above right, not the GOOGLE search, then enter into the key words box "bevel setting". This will give you the threads where bevel setting is discussed.

    Enjoy the journey.
    Yes, I'll post some pics as well :-)
    Quote Originally Posted by meleii View Post
    Try using a rolling x stroke. Or honing with a heel forward 45° stroke.

    Is it one specific razor or is it any vintage razor? If it's one specific could you post some pics?
    jmac123 likes this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Smiling blade?

    Hey Win, I don't know what your experience level is w/ honing, but sharp in the middle sounds familiar.

    Any chance this is a smiling blade? Whether or not the edge or bevel area has a smile - is the spine smiling? If so, your trying to oversome a design feature - the blade is made to be a smiling blade and requires an arc-shaped stroke or a rather well finessed rolling X. If the bevel is mostly straight in the middle at this point, it needs restorative grinding on something more coarse than a bevel setter to return the bevel to match the curvature of the spine.

    If the spine is perfectly straight - none of this applies. W/ straight spine - you probably have a bevel that's wider on one side than the other - this would indicate some warp.

    Neither condition is an easy fix if you're new to honing. A year or so from now, it'll be alot easier.

  6. #6
    Junior Member Winblows's Avatar
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    Here they are:

    I don't know how to show the uneven bevel on a photo
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  7. #7
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Lovely razors!

    My suggestions:

    1. Send both of them to a local/EU-based "honemeister". This sets the bevel and provides you with a pair of shave-ready razors.
    2. Purchase an SRD modular strop. This gives you the tool for maintaining them (strop on leather before use; strop on pasted felt to "freshen" the edge, if/when required).

    Smooth shaving!
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  8. #8
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    Heel leading half strokes will get the edges heel to toe. I use a lower than 45 degree angle. The blade ends up on one side of the hone only. Then heel leading x strokes. Most blades are off somewhere. I used to try to get them dead flat, this takes a lot of time and wastes a lot of steel. It comes with time. If you try this, be careful you don't slip off the hone as your heel is right on the edge of the hone. Or see Alex Jacques honing on you tube. That's what I do pretty much.

  9. #9
      Lynn's Avatar
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    What stone are you using to set the bevels here?

    How long have you been honing straight razors?

  10. #10
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    Im not sure if you were talking to me but Ive been honing since october 2012. I use chosera 3k lately. It cuts plenty fast. I have a 600 and 1k also.

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