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Thread: Balsa Board already charged with Chromium Oxide

  1. #11
    Senior Member Einar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eod7 View Post
    You have to be real sparing with the passes on crox or the edge will get harsh. Don't use until the edge is starting to fall off, then just a few passes. Then strop and test.
    Can u explain that? Harsh is like toothy?

  2. #12
    Mortal Member bombay's Avatar
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    as in too keen, just imagine the opposite if smooth

  3. #13
    Senior Member Einar's Avatar
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    For me keen=sharp smooth=butterknife. I am just a beginner, so don't have a clue. Is the point too have the blade soo dull it don't damage the skinn, but still cut hair?

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    At this rate, I can see it being at least a year until I have to send any razors out for honing!

    It just keeps getting better!!
    And it could get better yet - in theory you shouldn't have to send any razors out for rehoning at all. Pastes and finishers are all you need to keep a razor going indefinitely, as long as you do your part.
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  6. #15
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    And it could get better yet - in theory you shouldn't have to send any razors out for rehoning at all. Pastes and finishers are all you need to keep a razor going indefinitely, as long as you do your part.
    I was hesitant to say that...going to live life on the edge and try to refresh my other blade using the coticule and just water.

    Pasted the linen of my strop this morning when the DOVO white / paste arrived, so after the 5-10 passes on the stone with water, couple of laps on the strop with the paste. Looking forward to the results.


  7. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Einar View Post
    For me keen=sharp smooth=butterknife. I am just a beginner, so don't have a clue. Is the point too have the blade soo dull it don't damage the skinn, but still cut hair?
    The concept of having a sharp edge that is smooth too is hard to describe but you know what it is when you achieve it honing. You will feel the difference between that and an equally sharp edge that is harsh, you hide will tell you the difference. I don't think it has much to do with dullness.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  8. #17
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    The concept of having a sharp edge that is smooth too is hard to describe but you know what it is when you achieve it honing. You will feel the difference between that and an equally sharp edge that is harsh, you hide will tell you the difference. I don't think it has much to do with dullness.

    That's interesting, I recently shaved with two razors that had just been honed. One was superb, blade floated over my beard. The other was sharp, and it was much harsher on my face. Both honed by the same person, different blades - but the difference was noticeable.

    So couldn't agree more with what you wrote, just experienced and you can absolutely tell, in my case, there was nothing subtle about it.

  9. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Thanks Phrank, I am glad I am not the only who has had a similar experience. Hard to say what causes it, maybe different steels reacting differently to the same honing routine or different finishers being used. Quite a few different combination of things I guess. Most of the 30 odd razors I have seem to respond real well to the Zulu Gray finisher I am using even with the pasted Crox balsa strop used last. I used to get harsh edges off a 12K Naniwa followed by the same pasted strop. Can't say if my honing just improved after switching to the Zulu Gray or what but if it ain't broke I am staying with it.

    I think you will make out just fine maintaining your edges the way you plan to for quite a while before you will need a bevel reset.

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  10. #19
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Thanks Phrank, I am glad I am not the only who has had a similar experience. Hard to say what causes it, maybe different steels reacting differently to the same honing routine or different finishers being used. Quite a few different combination of things I guess. Most of the 30 odd razors I have seem to respond real well to the Zulu Gray finisher I am using even with the pasted Crox balsa strop used last. I used to get harsh edges off a 12K Naniwa followed by the same pasted strop. Can't say if my honing just improved after switching to the Zulu Gray or what but if it ain't broke I am staying with it.

    I think you will make out just fine maintaining your edges the way you plan to for quite a while before you will need a bevel reset.

    Thanks Bob, just left a note for myself before I turn in to look up, "bevel reset".

  11. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You should not have to look at a bevel reset for a long time unless you chip/damage an edge for some reason. If you can't get an edge back to shaving sharp with a finisher and pasted strop you may have to drop back down a few grits to build an edge back up from scratch. I am sure there are better explanations of bevel reset in the sites library. Have fun.

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    Life is a terminal illness in the end

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