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  1. #1
    Member danxaz's Avatar
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    Default Should I buy 1 or .5 micron Diamond Spray?

    I use films to hone. I have a film that is from Tools for Working Wood that is labeled 1 micron but they say it is around 8000 grit. I have Chromium Oxide from Kremer Pigments that is rated .3 micron. I'm buying a Diamond Spray for finishing. Should I get .5 or 1 micron. Chromium oxide is usually around .5 micron so would .5 Diamond be repetitive?

  2. #2
    Senior Member ZeroCool's Avatar
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    I don't have any experience with Diamond sprays other then what I've read. They work well but because they are pointy sharp (think of a diamond), they do put a wicked edge on if it's already worked up through the progressions, but it's a bit harsh to some.

    I've been using crox for a little while and it puts a nice edge on a shave ready blade but leaves it smooth for me. The crox compound is rounder in shape and leaves the steel smoother.

    At least that's my take on it.

  3. #3
    Member danxaz's Avatar
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    I've read that too. I'm just torn between the two sizes. Will Chrox be able to smooth out the edge made by the 1 micron?

  4. #4
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    Do you use chromium oxide after the one micron lapping paper? On what substrate?
    What do you want to change about that edge?

    I have experimented quite a bit with diamond and boron nitride sprays on leather strops.
    I have given up on 0.5 micron diamond spray, I find it just convexes the bevel without adding much keenness.
    I would suggest 0.25 micron diamond spray after the 1 micron lapping paper.

  5. #5
    Member danxaz's Avatar
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    "What do you want to change about that edge?"

    I do use Chromium Oxide after the film. My edges feel smooth but not as sharp as I would like. I was hoping that using diamond would make the edge sharper before smoothing it our with the Chrox. Am I thinking of this the wrong way?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by danxaz View Post
    "What do you want to change about that edge?"

    I do use Chromium Oxide after the film. My edges feel smooth but not as sharp as I would like. I was hoping that using diamond would make the edge sharper before smoothing it our with the Chrox. Am I thinking of this the wrong way?
    If you want to add a bit of "sharp" to the edge, 0.25 micron diamond is a good choice. This will introduce a bit of micro-convexity near the apex, but not convex the bevel as would 0.5 micron or larger.

    I posted some images in this thread:

    Here is another example:
    After the Gokumyo 20k, no convexity.
    Name:  GMN200_02.jpg
Views: 793
Size:  23.6 KB

    Following 10 laps on each of 0.25 diamond and 0.10 boron nitride, slight micro-convexity.
    Name:  Gok_plus10n10_01.jpg
Views: 795
Size:  23.3 KB

    Slight foil/burr that can be stropped away.
    Name:  Gok_plus10n10_03.jpg
Views: 745
Size:  20.3 KB

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