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  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    How many tads in a bit?

    thats 3 tads to a bit and 4 bits to a little, right?

    On the issue of sharpness-sharp is sharp the size of the razor has nothing to do with relative sharpness. If its sharp a 3/8s will shave just as good as a 7/8s. I would wager a bet that if I took an 8/8s razor and a 2/8s razor of similar grind and equal sharpness and put just the edge under a microscope you couldn't tell which was which and that is what your beard sees.

    Obviously some thing is askew in this case. maybe that warp?
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  2. #12
    JMS is offline
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    I agree that sharp is sharp but have you ever tried to castrate a bull with a pen knfe?

    Get my point?


  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well if I followed your example a tad further you could compare chopping wood to trimming meat with the same edge. In some circumstances brute force is required and obviously a heavier blade is needed shaving is not one of these areas. I can only tell you from my experience that I get just as close and comfortable a shave whether I'm using my 7/8s maestro or my 4/8s Gold crown and I don't have a fine beard. In fact the same applies to my 2/8s Mercur just that in that case the blade is so small I find it hard to hold on to and maneuver.

    I think to discount a whole group of razors and just say, hey these are puny and can't possibly shave me is doing a disservice. Just my humble opinion.
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  4. #14
    JMS is offline
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    I was not intending to,nor did I, discount a whole group of shavers, but it is a fact that different size shavers were designed with specifc functions in mind!
    According to Dovo, SRP's library( under great straight info) , and my face 3/8 for clinic use & eyebrows, 4/8 same as 3/8 plus light or soft beards, 5/8 general beard removal, 6/8 and above for heavy work and heavy or wiry beards.


  5. #15
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I think to discount a whole group of razors and just say, hey these are puny and can't possibly shave me is doing a disservice. Just my humble opinion.
    It wasn't my intention to discard a group of razors.
    The 4/8 is sharper than the 6/8 frameback (which is getting a bit dull lately).
    So the fact that I cannot get a decent chin shave with it can only be attributed to differences in technique and handling.

    The 6/8 is still giving me smooth shaves despite the fact that I never honed it again after the first time. It is getting duller, but I am currently testing how long I can go before honing while still getting smooth shaves.

    That's only half the truth actually. It is the only shave readyish razor I have left for the moment. My free time is currently occupied honing other people's razors and I haven't found the time yet to hone my other 2 razors

    My point was that sharpness itself is not the only factor contributing to shave quality.
    I am currently honing another razor for Charles that is coming along nicely. When I am finished with that I might take the 4/8 to the 4K/8K for a pyramid or 2 to see how it shapes up. I only got it this weekend so I couldn't try that before.
    I'll let you know how that turns out.
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