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Thread: Feather vs. My Straight Razor

  1. #11
    Senior Member 1holegrouper's Avatar
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    I would like to think I can produce a sharper edge. Somehow I don't think so. It's hard to compete with a laser cut teflon-coated perfect factory disposable edge of which Feather is arguably the sharpest in the market. Under a microscope our 'pride and joys' probably would not stack up. But who cares as long as we are shaving better with our "pride and joys"?

    I think that there are other factors besides the level of sharpness that give us a BTFS. (better than Feather shave)
    Gammaray likes this.
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  2. #12
    Enthusiast Gammaray's Avatar
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    It is unlikely that any of us who hand hone can match the machined honing and stropping precision of a Feather in sharpness along the ENTIRE blade. I use Feather Super Pros and several SR in rotation. They all perform admirably, but I use a bit more caution with the Supers. If comfort includes confidence and relaxation, then I am more comfortable with my SR's than with the Super Pros.

    You just need the edge to be sharp enough (SE) to deliver a great shave. Not much is gained past a certain threshold of sharpness. There is such a thing as too sharp. The Feather Super Pros are at this level IMHO.

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The issue of sharpness of the edge is a different matter than comparing the shaves from the two. I have doubts you can get the edge as sharp as a DE which is machine made however no DE will shave as close as a straight. The R41 comes as close as any I have ever seen myself but it's still not a straight shave.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member ProudMarineDad's Avatar
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    People shave with DE's? Blasphemy I say!
    My son is a Drill Instructor in the United States Marine Corps at Parris Island, SC


  5. #15
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    Gokumyo 20k + stropping on 0.25 micron diamond or CBN followed by 0.1 micron CBN is sharper than a feather blade. I have posted electron microscope images on this forum that demonstrate this.

    Most of the straight razors in my rotation are honed this way at the moment AND for comparison I have shaved with a Feather AC at least 20 times in the past 3 months with either a Pro or Super Pro blade. I have also shaved at least 100 times with a DE using a Feather blade. I have no doubt that my straight razors are sharper than a Feather blade.

    What surprises me here is that so many believe that a blade sharpened on a machine in a fraction of a second MUST be sharper than one carefully honed by hand on the finest hones and stones available. To me that is like saying that you couldn't sand a piece of wood by hand better than a belt sander.
    onimaru55 and bill3152 like this.

  6. #16
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    I agree with you wholeheartedly. I get the same from my suehiro20k, (.5 micron so more like 30k, shapton 30k is .49 micron) 3 of my jnats and .3 micron all/ox lapping film on granite surface plate. The film is a little harsh, the others are not at all.

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