I had a big long question, and the website burped when I posted, and all that blathering was lost. So I'll ask the same question only shorter!

I'm new to all this, and about 10 shaves in. My razor shaves 'ok' with the grain, is very uncomfortable against the grain, and perceptibly dangerous when doing ATG on the upper lip. Because I have been stropping daily, and last night really stropped it (about 50 strokes on polyester and 200 on leather), and it's in this condition, I'm inferring that I at least need a touch up on a stone. True? False?

I could this touch on Shapton stones (to 8k) or on JNats. JNATS are my preference, at least for finishing. So I see a couple of options. First, using the finishing stone only (maybe with different nagura slurries) for a touch up. Second, set the bevel with shaptons and finish on JNAT. Third, set the bevel on aoto and go then to the finisher.

Have any of you used an aoto to set the bevel? These get very muddy very fast, so I'm concerned that it may go out of flat prior to finishing the job. Thoughts, recommendations?