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  1. #1
    Member sdj1214's Avatar
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    Default I just can't decide...

    Which edge I like better, select grade coticule or escher..... About 4 months ago I decided to delve into the world of natural finishers and put my synthetics on the shelf for a while. So far, I have finished all of my Sheffields on my coticule and my German/American razors on my escher and they all shave so wonderfully well. This is what I have found so far:

    Edges off of the coticule give a mediocre HHT, are dull to the touch, but shave super smooth.

    Edges off of the escher give a better HHT, are pretty damn sharp to the touch, and are smooth. With respect to the coticule, I would say it is sharper but not as smooth.

    I still cannot achieve the same HHT results from these stones as I can from my Naniwa 12k + CrOX. Despite this, I think the shaves from the escher/coticule are much more to my liking than the naniwa.

    Anyways, just my two cents for the day. Thanks for reading.


  2. #2
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    How about honing until the 12K and then finish on coticule/Escher with just water?

    And don't worry about the HHT, I find it does not always behave the same between hazy natural finishes and synthetic mirror finishes. As long as the shave is good HHT is just an indication.
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  3. #3
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    I agree with you on the edges of the cotis and eschers(I have a labeled dark blue and 3 cotis). But Jnats are what I like. You can take a very hard killer finisher and get the sharpest edge(hht root in or out super laser sharp) or you can finish on a lower grit nagura and get a coti like edge or anything in between.

  4. #4
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    I still cannot achieve the same HHT results from these stones as I can from my Naniwa 12k + CrOX. Despite this, I think the shaves from the escher/coticule are much more to my liking than the naniwa.

    Anyways, just my two cents for the day. Thanks for reading.
    If you're not adding crox after the coti/escher, but use it after the Nani you're not really getting a fair comparison of the stones as finishers.

  5. #5
    Member sdj1214's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dadsavage View Post
    If you're not adding crox after the coti/escher, but use it after the Nani you're not really getting a fair comparison of the stones as finishers.
    I only use CrOx to tame the edge from the Naniwa 12k, and to touch up razors. IMO it is not needed after the coticule/escher because they are already very smooth.

  6. #6
    Member sdj1214's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurens View Post
    How about honing until the 12K and then finish on coticule/Escher with just water?

    And don't worry about the HHT, I find it does not always behave the same between hazy natural finishes and synthetic mirror finishes. As long as the shave is good HHT is just an indication.
    So far I have only gone from the 8k directly to the coticule or escher. I will have to try your method of 12k to escher with just water and see how that feels.

    Also, I have read people do something similar to this with the coticule; hone till 16k+ then a few strokes on the coti to knock off some of the harsh edges.

  7. #7
    Scheerlijk Laurens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdj1214 View Post
    So far I have only gone from the 8k directly to the coticule or escher. I will have to try your method of 12k to escher with just water and see how that feels.

    Also, I have read people do something similar to this with the coticule; hone till 16k+ then a few strokes on the coti to knock off some of the harsh edges.
    Aye, I'm currently experimenting with finishers after my 16K Shapton. So far, I've found crox and 0.5 micron diamonds (both unknown/cheap quality) very nice, as well as some unknown/cheap Jnat with just water. Surprisingly, I'm having some difficulties with my coticule, it sounds like its surface is very coarse, while I quite sure it isn't. As such, I cannot comment (yet) on the 16K+coticule combination, but I've heard it is a good way to go.

    When I get my honing on the Shaptons right, there is little need for a finisher, as they are well capable of giving a smooth edge. So does your 12K Naniwa
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  8. #8
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sdj1214 View Post
    So far I have only gone from the 8k directly to the coticule or escher. I will have to try your method of 12k to escher with just water and see how that feels.

    Also, I have read people do something similar to this with the coticule; hone till 16k+ then a few strokes on the coti to knock off some of the harsh edges.
    That is a good plan.
    I've found that I get the most out of my Escher when I go high up in grits before doing that as a final finisher.
    One of my Coticule's, a Kosher grade vintage combo, will perform pretty similar with this approach.
    A smidgeon less acute perhaps, but only just.

    The other two Coticule's I had was not quite able to provide much of an improvement over say a 12K Naniwa SS.
    Smoother, yes, but not any actual improvement.

    Smooth I can get with a linen/leather stropping
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  9. #9
    Senior Member Wolfpack34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    That is a good plan.
    I've found that I get the most out of my Escher when I go high up in grits before doing that as a final finisher.
    One of my Coticule's, a Kosher grade vintage combo, will perform pretty similar with this approach.
    A smidgeon less acute perhaps, but only just....
    +1... I've been using a 12K Naniwa / La Dressant Coticule / Escher for quite a while now as a finishing routine. I find it to be optimal for me, especially for the older Sheffield blades.

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  10. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Every natural stone is different so it's hard to compare one to the other and also the way you use it can make a big difference. I find when I use the naniwa 12K I always have a slightly harsh edge so Cr0 is mandatory for me with that stone. My Coticule gives a much better edge all around than the Naniwa and my escher beats them all. I think my Escher has spoiled me as far as edge refinement is concerned.
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