It is rather amazing what a simple search will turn up. Just today I had a razor that was a pain in the butt to hone. I set the bevel on a 600g Diamond plate. Then killed it, reset it on 3k shapton glass. Killed it again and then set the edge on the 3k again ensuring I would not have to deal with the wrath of the microchips later. Went to 4k for umpteen strokes. Then went 8k for 7 strokes and finally 16k for 10 strokes. Following Lynn's video for the 8 and 16k lap counts.

Being a coticule guy this was probably the sharpest non de razor blade I have ever used. Destroying hairs in the HHT. Which I have calibrated for a coticule edge so I am in uncharted waters using it with the shapton series. All it tells me is that the edge is super keen.
The feeling wasn't harsh but it was not as smooth as I have come accustomed to with a coticule finish. I'm wondering if a few more shaves will mellow it out or if I should do something else. I am a huge noob when it comes to synthetics higher then 3k...

I could also use some dovo black paste, that might do the trick too but if I can get away with riding it out and it gets smoother as the shaves go on I would rather do that. What can I do in the future to ensure I get smooth edges of the shapton glass stones?

Sorry for the necro
