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Thread: Tapeing an extra hollow ground razor

  1. #1
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    Default Tapeing an extra hollow ground razor

    Gentlemen, im having a problem getting an extra hollow ground razor to get sharp. I have been using 1 piece but it wont get sharp enough to cut my arm hair. I thought i read on here that you have to use two peices to get the angle right. I may of just imagined it but i thought who better to ask than the pros. So gentlemen was it a moment of insanity or was i right?

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Can we see a pic of the razor ???

    The spine and the edge would really help answer your question..

    But basically the only reason to use more then one layer is to correct geometry issues that you don't want to grind the heck out of to get even again...

    My general rule of "Tape Thumb"

    Spine wear

    0-1mm = 1 layer of tape
    1mm-2mm = 2 layers of tape
    2mm-3mm = 3 layers of tape

    After 3 mm of wear I would think either it is a darn good razor and has been lovingly used, or somebody really messed up on honing
    Chevhead and Substance like this.

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  4. #3
      Lynn's Avatar
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    The most common faux pas when honing extra hollow blades is too much pressure and/or uneven pressure on the hones. Typically, these blades don't need a lot of honing with or without tape.

    Agree that the pics will help with regard to wear on the spine and bevel though.

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  6. #4
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    +1 to Lynn's comment.
    My only ex hollow is "pressure sensitive". Made it a pain to hone until my mistakes were pointed out to me.

    You may want to try using the weight of the blade only when honing, or slight pressure if needed. No more that a slight pressure though, with mine I use enough to make my fingertips turn white from the pressure, maybe 5 lbs max on lower grit and blade weight only after 4000 grit.

    Hope this helps.
    BobH likes this.

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  8. #5
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    As requested pics of the razor. i have a crappy camera so sorry about the pics. There isnt alot of hone wear on the spine. It looks like it may of been sitting in someones drawer for along time.
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    I can say that i was using too much pressure on the razor when honing. I have to hold the toe down when honing away from me and hold the heel down when honing toward me or the toe or the heel wont touch the stone. Ill try again tomorrow using less pressure and wait and see what you guys say about the pics
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  9. #6
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    When you say "holding the toe down" do you mean you are physically pushing on it or using a "rolling stroke" if you are physically pushing on it that might be causing too much pressure. I would take a look at this and try one of these strokes to make contact with the entire edge without using alot of pressure. When I am setting the bevel I will use pressure if needed, but I always finish on a stone with no pressure. Strokes for honing a razor - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    Last edited by JSmith1983; 01-21-2014 at 01:28 AM.

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  11. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Use the Magic Marker test with the single layer of tape and see what stroke you are going to have to use to get a nice even bevel..

    The Magic Marker test is worth it's weight in gold when learning what is really going on at the edge..

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  13. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Useful info. to know-I just shave-tested a Case Tungsten Steel Full Hollow today, and it wasn't quite there. I think I also used to much pressure, or maybe too many strokes. Back to the honing/drawing board armed with this useful info.!

  14. #9
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    i see from the wiki that i am doing something wrong. The pyramid that im doing is- 5 straight ahead stroke, 5 heel forward straight ahead( not the 45 deg x stroke), 5 x stroke, 5 straight ahead. I seem to have started honing wrong at some point and i dont know why. ill start honing the way im supposed to and see what happens. Thanks guys

  15. #10
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    Thank you guys for the advice. I honed my razor the way that the wiki showed and its getting sharp. This might be the sharpest razor ive honed yet.
    gssixgun and WadePatton like this.

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