Okay gents, here's my latest.

I broke the Shoubu out again last night. Tried to make a thinner slurry but that didn't seem to work.

Then I made a slurry using the flat side of the tomo (instead of with the edge) and used a little more pressure to start with. I kept honing using X strokes using gradually lighter pressure. Must have been about 50 laps. I tried the arm hair test - no good. HHT - also no good. I stropped about 80 times on Roo then tried HHT. I managed to get about a HHT 3 I reckon.

I put another 30 odd laps on the roo strop and put he razor away.

Shaved with it this morning ... A bit rough and some pulling but a semi decent shave out of it.

I think I am slowly getting good contact on the hone and a natural-feeling stroke.

Back to it again tonight to see if I can get a HHT result straight off the hone.

This is getting good!!!