Quote Originally Posted by bill3152 View Post
Koma has a different feel than the other naguras IMO. Its starts out grittier but breaks very fast. A few circles and the slurry has started changing color. As was said a rounded edge will serve you better than a sharper corner. Are your slurry sizes consistent? I typically go smaller slurries on Koma. Slurry density is also something to consider so try to be aware of how it looks even to go as far as looking at the slurry with a loupe before, during and after. Maybe a touch more of water may be all that is needed.
Thanks Bill. I remember your advice on the small slurries, and I'll pay more attention now. I do notice the color change and consistency, so maybe it's behaving like it should. I just need to stop and inspect more to make sure I'm doing the right thing.