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Thread: how do i know when it's as sharp as possible?

  1. #11
    Senior Member kettlebell's Avatar
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    I would also echo what a lot of others have all ready said "shave with it".
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  2. #12
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    kettlebell, you probably didn't read too carefully what I've written. The problem is me having already shaved and being just about satisfied, but not knowing whether I can achieve a better shave. I've shaved with a blade I've honed myself and it was ok. The shave with a professionally honed blade was a bit better. Question is - if it can get even better, and how do I know when to stop hoping, expecting and striving?

    I must say that I do have some idea that it obviously goes along the lines of "you never know before you know, you know."

  3. #13
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    It's actually quite a good question. I've always measured my honing ability by judging the edge of razors I'be bought. My first razor, a Burrell Top Flight, was very sharp; and still is. However, I have a light beard and it could be that someone with a heavier beard would judge what I see as a sharp razor as being middling. In other words, maybe I'm easily pleased?

    I have sold one razor to a fellow on this site; and he reported that he was happy with my edge; but I think he sent the razor out to be honed and also reported that it was a little better than my edge when it was returned.

    Really, a razor should satisfy YOU (unless you're honing for others or selling 'shave ready' razors). Also, as has been stated, you can go too far and end up with a weak edge that will degrade quickly.

    I believe there's a thread here somewhere where we discuss sharpness and smoothness; and if there's a trad off. I tend to think there is, but also feel the feel of smoothness may come down to the type of steel and also maybe the razor's profile (wedge Vs Full Hollow), however, I think from memory we (the group pf posters) couldn't or didn't really agree if sharpness and smoothness were related or if a razor that was too sharp lost smoothness; or even if there's such a thing as too sharp...

    So, in answer to the question, maybe there is no answer?
    edhewitt and mglindo like this.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifcis View Post
    Question is - if it can get even better, and how do I know when to stop hoping, expecting and striving?

    I must say that I do have some idea that it obviously goes along the lines of "you never know before you know, you know."
    You hit it when you answered your own question.
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  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    I have sold one razor to a fellow on this site; and he reported that he was happy with my edge; but I think he sent the razor out to be honed and also reported that it was a little better than my edge when it was returned.
    To be fair you hadnt honed that razor for a good few months before it came to me, and it was another couple of months until i sent it to another member here on a razor swap, and he ran it over his hones for me, and yes it did come back with a nice edge, but the edge i received from you (despite being a few months old) was very nice and mellow.
    I think that i prefer a mellow edge over a really sharp but harsh freshly honed edge.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    It's also good to have a reference razor honed by a pro so that you know what is possible. By doing this, and with some practice, before long I was able to get edges that were about 90% as good as the honemeister edges (in my face's estimation) off an 8k Norton. A couple of years later, with a couple of finishing stones and much more experience, I can get maybe 95-96% "there" (just an estimate). Keep shaving with it, then going back and tinkering (maybe a few more ultralight finishing strokes on soapy water, followed by some good stropping).

  7. #17
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Everything is relative. There are no absolutes. That's why the pages of this site are full of folks spending a wad of cash to get the best hone for the ultimate edge and a razor with the best steel and a strop with the best leather or the DE and blade combo that gives them the best shave or the pre shave routine that does the most or the best brush and soap. You get the idea.

    Confucius say:Man who shave on the cheap and who have closed mind get best shave in the world. Everyone else never sure.
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  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Everything is relative. There are no absolutes. That's why the pages of this site are full of folks spending a wad of cash to get the best hone for the ultimate edge and a razor with the best steel and a strop with the best leather or the DE and blade combo that gives them the best shave or the pre shave routine that does the most or the best brush and soap. You get the idea.

    Confucius say:Man who shave on the cheap and who have closed mind get best shave in the world. Everyone else never sure.
    Kind of like what that buddy of mine told me 30 years ago, "If you can't be satisfied with what you get, you'll never be satisfied with what you have."
    edhewitt likes this.
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  9. #19
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    To be fair you hadnt honed that razor for a good few months before it came to me, and it was another couple of months until i sent it to another member here on a razor swap, and he ran it over his hones for me, and yes it did come back with a nice edge, but the edge i received from you (despite being a few months old) was very nice and mellow.
    I think that i prefer a mellow edge over a really sharp but harsh freshly honed edge.
    Yeah, that's true. I also like a more mellow edge...
    edhewitt likes this.
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