So I recieved my Norton 4/8 a few weeks ago and I have been practicing honing using one of my razors. The razor was shaveable, but I felt like it just needed a touch up as it was very slightly pulling, and I saw it as an opportunity to practice my sharpening. I first tried Lynn's circle method followed by the passes on the stone on both sides. I followed his video to the tee, then followed by my normal stropping routine...this resulted in one of the roughest shaving experiences I've ever had, I guess I only succeed in making the razor duller. I then looked up a video by Glen that he put up for Janorton, and I liked his technique much better, as I did manage to sharpen the razor slightly, but I still couldn't get it to shave ready. I tried over and over, probably 4 honing sessions and all I've got to show is a dull razor with a very nicely polished bevel. What am I doing wrong? My hone was lapped however I can see on the 8k side some patches towards the edges/tips that are rough/not fully lapped, could this be causing me trouble? I'm following the honing videos to the tee yet still can't get a shave ready razor. Any help would be appreciated!