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Thread: What's the trick?

  1. #21
      Lynn's Avatar
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    A little better pics would help.

    The wear on the bevel should correspond to the wear on the spine. The bevel in the pics looks like less wear than the spine which makes me believe you are not keeping both the spine and the bevel on the stone with equal pressure. Try to do that and use more X strokes than circles to see if you can wake up that bevel.

    Good luck.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Lynn For This Useful Post:

    Blistersteel (11-07-2014), roden011 (11-06-2014)

  3. #22
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Well there is a trick to this...I've been at this for about 18 months now and have honing down pat and it works every time.

    What I do is this, put the razor I want to hone in a small box, wrapped in bubble wrap. I then mail it to a honemaster near me, and magically in about 10 days, it comes back with a stellar edge!

    I must say, I reached "expert level" using this methodology fairly quickly.
    pixelfixed, BobH, MJC and 8 others like this.

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    tcrideshd (11-06-2014)

  5. #23
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    A little better pics would help.

    The wear on the bevel should correspond to the wear on the spine. The bevel in the pics looks like less wear than the spine which makes me believe you are not keeping both the spine and the bevel on the stone with equal pressure. Try to do that and use more X strokes than circles to see if you can wake up that bevel.

    Good luck.
    To do what Lynn said I start putting pieces of tape the length of the flat spot. When I build up the tape to the same level as the good spine area I add one more layer, and hit it with a flame just to increase the adhesiveness of tape and then I squash it in my hands to make sure its on tight. On one that flat at the toe just eyeballing my money is about 5 layers to get it the ball park. Make it equal along the length of the spine. depending on how whacked the spine is . I have done small pieces of tape of different layer amounts then cover the whole tape mess with a cover layer along the entire length of spine.
    Think drywall finishing flat wall different amount of mud for different amounts of indentations. Same thing applied to spine. Use as many layers as it takes till you get to the same level as healthy spine. I go plus one layer because I am going to wear it off during the process .
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  6. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Phrank you and I mastered a shave ready edge by the same method ,, Bravo. Tc
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    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  7. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Well there is a trick to this...I've been at this for about 18 months now and have honing down pat and it works every time.

    What I do is this, put the razor I want to hone in a small box, wrapped in bubble wrap. I then mail it to a honemaster near me, and magically in about 10 days, it comes back with a stellar edge!

    I must say, I reached "expert level" using this methodology fairly quickly.
    Now that's funny, I don't care who you are!!

  8. #26
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beadog View Post
    Now that's funny, I don't care who you are!!
    Well, in all fairness I believe I "borrowed" that comment from pixelfixed...could be mistaken, might have been another member, but the gruff, no b.s., straight to the point comment makes me think I'm pretty sure it was him.
    tcrideshd likes this.

  9. #27
    It's bloodletting with style! - Jim KindestCutOfAll's Avatar
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    High quality pics help us, but can I suggest you get a pocket microscope and look at the edge yourself.

    It helped me a lot. I could tell where I was not being consistent. I could see right away where my bevel was wider, or where the edge was still rough. I always felt like I was using the perfect technique, then I would see an uneven edge.

    This helped me improve e my technique. The edge amazingly got exponentially better.
    May your lather be moist and slick, the sweep of your razor sure, and your edge always keen!

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