Quote Originally Posted by JSmith1983 View Post
Yea I agree that if it isn't broken don't fix it, but the edge looked like it was a mishap waiting to happen. I never even considered getting the scope till reading the posts on here. Everyone is a bad influence on here. Making me buy things I don't need like multiple razors, a lifetime of soaps/creams, shaving accessories, tools and materials to restore razors, and whatever else. I wish I had one of those usb microscopes so I could have taken a picture of how bad the edge looked. See something else I am going to have to buy. I have to blame someone for all my spending.
Many of us, like Jimmy have always said too much mag is of no practical use and can just drive you nuts unless you want to do a scientific treatise on honing. Too much of anything is no good for you. Too much ice cream can make you really sick.

The point is just use what you need to get an good idea what the edge looks like. With good optics 10x is all you ever need.