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  1. #1
    Member pete_bogg's Avatar
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    Default Handamerican ScarySharp (tm) System

    Does anyone have any experience with the Handamerican ScarySharp (tm) System?

    I can see that someone that does a lot of honing will probably want to have the stones. From what I can gather, this may be a very inexpensive system for those that only need a periodic honing of their razor.

    Consider that the cost of a Norton 4k/8k and a polishing stone can run you over $150 - $200 usd. Several sheets of the the Handamerican PSA paper of different grits and a piece of 1/4" glass will cost less than $20 usd.

    Depending on the experiences of the forum members who have tried this, I may give it a shot.


  2. #2
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    I think Bill Ellis (aka urleebird) used to use this, and he was no slouch with a blade. Search the archives.

    I use their 3x8 glass plate and 1000 grit for cutting bevels on razors, as well as for kitchen knives.

    I would definitely recommend the PSA paper as opposed to using their glue. The former seems to lie flatter, and the latter seems to promote rounding.

    I think Randy Tuttle advised somewhere that you have to go scarysharp or stones, one or the other but not both. The issue was rounding I think. That is to say: you can begin with 1000 grit sandpaper, then get rid of the rounding with your 1k or 4k stone. No problem. But you can't use 1000 grit sandpaper, then 2500 grit sandpaper, then say 5000 grit paper, and then switch over and finish up with an 8K polishing stone.

    The last thing I want to do is speak for Randy, but maybe he'll come in here. That guy's tried everything and it seems he's usually right.

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