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Thread: Stones to start

  1. #1
    Member MNWetShaver's Avatar
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    Default Stones to start

    So I'm thinking a DMT 325 for a lapping plate, Chosera 1K and Norton 4k/8k and once I get BBS shaves off the 8k, adding the Naniwa SS 12K and .5 CrO. I'm new to straight razor honing, but not sharpening. Been sharpening knives since I was very young. Younger than I'd let my boy play with a knife anyway. Thoughts on that set up? Would you change anything? I'll admit, debating on a 3k/8k Naniwa or 5k 8k separates instead of the Norton (SRD's 5,8,12k package isn't making this decision easier )
    Winning is like shaving - you do it every day or you wind up looking like a bum. - Jack Kemp

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    The Chosera 1K has an undisputed top shelf spot as a bevel setter. From there I don't think it makes much difference which way you go. They are both reliable setups. Price may be a factor, but that is not always a first consideration for everyone. The Norton is easy to find, and sometimes closer to home. I went with the Norton because that is what I already had. I have not used the SS or the Naniwa. All of those are easy to get advice on if you find yourself needing help, because so many people here have them.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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    MNWetShaver (01-16-2015)

  4. #3
    Member MNWetShaver's Avatar
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    I've even considered skipping the 1k for now and going the JaNorton Route to really push myself to get good at bevel setting and honing. But I already have RAD, why would I think that wouldn't apply to stones as well. And I'm not sure I want to go JaNorton on blades that need a fair amount of work (not chips, just really, really, really in need of a new bevel). I give it a couple of years and I'll have bought every stone on the SRD website. I'm gonna give myself a week or so before making a final decision and putting in the order to get some more input.
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  5. #4
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MNWetShaver View Post
    I've even considered skipping the 1k for now and going the JaNorton Route to really push myself to get good at bevel setting and honing.
    Would you please clarify what you mean by the "JaNorton Route?"
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  6. #5
    Member MNWetShaver's Avatar
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    The JaNorton thread from January 2012 where a bunch of the guys on here for one month only used the Norton 4k/8k to set bevels and hones. No finishing stones, no pastes. Just linen and leather after the honing. Was an interesting thread and provided a few YouTube videos.
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    Winning is like shaving - you do it every day or you wind up looking like a bum. - Jack Kemp

  7. #6
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MNWetShaver View Post
    So I'm thinking a DMT 325 for a lapping plate, Chosera 1K and Norton 4k/8k and once I get BBS shaves off the 8k, adding the Naniwa SS 12K and .5 CrO.
    By consenus here on this forum, that is a very common route that has been taken here many times. It may seem boring to go with what you know will work, but you will know that this will work. Since you mentioned the other Naniwa SuperStones, I will say that the SuperStone 3k and 8k might be a slightly better option. I extensively have used each of the items that you have mentioned and easily can assure you that each is a stellar performer and together they will be great tools for honing.

    Also, it's a 3.5 hour drive, but there will be a MN meet-up on Jan24 in Rochester MN. This would allow you to try a lot of hones (seriously, a lot!) and, more importantly, learn how to use them. For info either PM me or check the thread in the Get-Togethers and Meetings section.

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    MNWetShaver (01-16-2015)

  9. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Go to the Meet up

    If you can at all make it you will learn more there in a few hours then reading here for months

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    MNWetShaver (01-16-2015)

  11. #8
    Member MNWetShaver's Avatar
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    I'll see if I can't make it to the Meet Up. My son goes to moms that Friday so it'd be easy for me to head down. I'll check the get togethers section and see if I can't make it. Maybe see if my brothers want to join being I just got them into DE shaving.
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    Winning is like shaving - you do it every day or you wind up looking like a bum. - Jack Kemp

  12. #9
    Senior Member Maladroit's Avatar
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    You're pretty much on the right track there but I think there are better alternatives to the Norton 4k/8k. I own one and use it regularly but it has a lot of set-up issues, i.e. you've got a lot of lapping before the 4k side is really ready for use. I'd recommend you consider a set of Shaptons or Naniwa stones. The Shapton glass stones are really nice and the Naniwa 12k is wonderful finisher.

    BTW you probably do need a bevel setter and the Chosera 1000 is a good choice. Forget trying to set bevels on a Norton 4k - you'll grow a lot of grey hairs doing that.
    Last edited by Maladroit; 01-16-2015 at 11:11 AM.
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  13. #10
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I really believe that the naniwa SS hones are the easiest to use that I've ever found. not saying that there not others out there that are very good but as far as getting a perfect edge the naniwa stones are easier for me. I had a Norton 4/8 and rreally didn't like it . In the past I've owned the Arkansas stones from soft to black hard to translucent and they were good stones .

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