I have always done one stone honing. Well technically two but of course you're going to use a bevel setter... I hope. Any ways. I don't have a JNAT so I can't speak on those but with a coticule or CNAT or escher or what have you, you will start with a razor that has its bevel set already. Then build a moderate slurry. I like mine more on the muddy side especially with my coti but thats because its my coti and probably different than yours. Then I hone until I feel like its time to dilute with a few drops of water. Again this comes with feel and knowledge of your stone that you are using. Some stones are faster and thus would the slurry would be diluted sooner than other stones even of the same type or vein. This goes one till you are at clear water and then you would finish your stone on clear water. I usually use my coticule not as a finisher but as my work horse stone. I will go from bevel set to finishing on water with the coticule then after that I usually finish on a black arkansas or CNAT