Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
Is not that I believe it, I know it to be a fact.
Respectfully, the conclusion you draw (i.e. the fact) cannot logically be arrived at from the sample you have.

Your sample suffers greatly from a selection bias.

I’ve had a number of pro honed edges and they all have been very very good, however the “pro’s” hone in a way that has to be commercially viable. That is to say they would look to balance edge quality and the time taken to do it.

I don’t envy them as I could never do what they do in the time they do for the money they charge.
That been said, they don’t have the luxury to spend hours, days or multiple honing sessions to extract the absolute maximum out of razor.

Accordingly it would be unwise to conclude that an edge produce commercially by a pro is the best possible edge attainable (i.e. it is the best that can be produced in the limited amount of time that the relatively small fee they charge buys).
The sharpest edges are probably been produced by the guys that spend heaps of time tinkering with one or two of their own razors (likely using nano grit strop powders or very expensive natural hones), who could never supply the edges commercially as they would be prohibitively expensive.