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Thread: Kamisori Honing

  1. #1
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    Default Kamisori Honing

    I know there are a ton of threads on this subject, but I still have some questions.
    So I just recently purchased this Kamisori
    RARE Tamahagane Shizu Saburo J apanese Straight Razor Shaving Sword Katana A 60 | eBay

    And here are the stones I have, in the order I use them. I start with the #3000 Masahiro in this set.

    Then a #6000 King King 6000 Grit Whetstone S-1: Kitchen & Dining

    Then a #8000 Taidea
    TAIDEA 8000 Grit Knife / Razor Corundum Whetstone Sharpening Stone: Industrial & Scientific

    Then I finish with a #12000 Shapton M5

    Today I spent about 20 mins or so on each, more time the finer I get. However, for some reason, It just wont yield a smooth shave compared to my Edwin Jagger DE. Any advice? I would much rather use my kamisori as oppose to my DE

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Time means nothing effectiveness if everything

    Kamisori are a funny kind of razor they are extremely difficult to set up correctly without damaging them and getting them out of geometry,, but once they are set up they are much easier to maintain..

    If you haven't ever honed one you are in for a struggle

    if you google "gssixgun Kamisori honing" I have a vid up on how to do one but I warn ya it is NOT as easy as I make it look in that vid
    nipper, Geezer, WillN and 8 others like this.

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  4. #3
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    Yes, not easy. I watched many videos over and over and managed, somehow, somewho, to get lucky.


  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Glen's honing video of the Kamisori worked well for me. That said, I would suggest sending the first one out for honing. Then you now what a proper honing can accomplish!
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  6. #5
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    You're linky no worky but if this is yours you're in trouble.
    RARE Tamahagane Shizu Saburo J apanese Straight Razor Shaving Sword Katana A 60 | eBay

    You will face more than the struggle Glen talks about.
    The ridge line (shinogi) is curved. This line is like the spine of a western razor whch guides the honed edge to its shape.
    The face has been ground to hide/repair wear & without a straight grind your edge will be equally uneven.

    A skilled grinder may be able to repair the geometry for you but as it is this is not a plain hone job.
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  7. #6
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Nice Kamisori......

    Just wondering.....

    They are calling this mint secondhanded......
    To me near the point it seems like it has a chip in the edge. Or is it the lighting in the pic?
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  8. #7
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    I think that the King 6 K is a crappy stone for razors ,as he cleanes the scratches fast ,but does not leave an sharp edge .
    The polish of my Suehiro 1/3 K ,and the wellow 3 K side is better, than the King 6 k and the edge is much sharper.
    Taidea 8 K is a hard stone ,betwen a water stone and an oil stone . A hard and very good stone ,for razors .
    There is now a 10 k and i will buy it as i speak with a guy that has it ant he say that is amazing .

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Gotta agree with Glen
    They are a PITA to set,
    I was surprised how long it took to get mine set from what looked good with very little home wear.
    I did mine as per Glens video but used a 10:1 ratio
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    to shave another day.

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  11. #9
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    Jostraco....I'm right there with you. My new kamisori used to (past tense) shave like a dream. Then the maid got a hold of it. I don't know what the hell she did...but now I've been trying to rehone it. It's much harder to get right than my western razors...and I still haven't gotten it right.

  12. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The more out of wack they are the harder they are to hone and it ain't a direct ratio. If the razor is seriously off it can take a bunch of work to get them right and that's if you know what you are doing.

    I'd be ashamed to say how long it's taken me to get the pass around razors shaving good.
    Geezer and Substance like this.
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