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Thread: Tape on Jnats

  1. #1 JOB15's Avatar
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    Default Tape on Jnats

    I have never honed a razor without tape. I've been honing for 3 years maybe.
    Now I have moved onto Jnats, although im still setting the bevel with synthetics .
    Do you think there is a possibility that the the tape could ware onto the jnat and alter the surface structure?
    Should I set the bevel with tape and then get rid of the tape for the Jnat progression?
    Or can I just get your thoughts on tape.
    One thing I know is that I've always honed with 2 layers of tape unless its a full hollow then I use one layer.
    If I ditch the tape now my bevels will get fatter.
    Last edited by JOB15; 07-29-2015 at 01:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Dude, it’s a rock… an expensive rock, but still just a rock. Tape won’t hurt it.

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  4. #3
    Contains ingredients Tack's Avatar
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    +1, not a problem. I've used tape for years; Alx has started using scotch tape which wears rapidly - with no "contamination".

    I have great faith in fools - self confidence my friends call it.

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  6. #4 JOB15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Dude, it’s a rock… an expensive rock, but still just a rock. Tape won’t hurt it.
    Its not just a rock , wow , my Nakayama has feelings you know

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I know, I know but just don’t let it see the screen… and it will be ok…
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    Seriously, tape residue can easily be removed with a slurry stone, high grit diamond plate or just a green scotch brite on a sponge.

    Scotch Brite is what I do with Super Stones that load up more than any other, it’s quick.

    Yes, your bevel will get wider if you hone without tape, after honing with tape but not that much, a lot depends on the grind.
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  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JOB15 View Post
    Should I set the bevel with tape and then get rid of the tape for the Jnat progression?
    Or can I just get your thoughts on tape.

    I would do the opposite set bevel w/o tape and then use tape to finish.
    Or just use tape all the way through.
    It seems to me that setting the bevel with tape and then removing to finish would mean a lot of work on your finisher.
    But I could be wrong about that.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to JaberCrow For This Useful Post:

    JOB15 (07-29-2015)

  11. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    No problem with tape. I've got a kikuboshi razor that I thought was junk. It can't take much of an edge without tape and it can't hold an edge that you establish more than one shave without tape.

    With two pieces of electrical tape, it's golden, a shockingly good shaver that holds its edge superbly. It sees only Jnats (with the tape).

    It literally wouldn't take a good edge off of anything, coticules included, without tape. The tape doesn't clog the jnat, but more importantly, it doesn't pull particles loose on a hard jnat like jigane (soft iron or wrought) will with tools or knives. It's harmless.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to DaveW For This Useful Post:

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  13. #8
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaberCrow View Post
    I would do the opposite set bevel w/o tape and then use tape to finish.
    Or just use tape all the way through.
    It seems to me that setting the bevel with tape and then removing to finish would mean a lot of work on your finisher.
    But I could be wrong about that.
    You're on the right track but missed the train anyway. If you set the bevel with tape, the easiest way to transition to a non-taped bevel is then to do some non tape strokes on the bevel setter, not the finisher.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

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  15. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaberCrow View Post
    I would do the opposite set bevel w/o tape and then use tape to finish.
    Or just use tape all the way through.
    It seems to me that setting the bevel with tape and then removing to finish would mean a lot of work on your finisher.
    But I could be wrong about that.
    What utopian said....but

    if you have a razor that has trouble holding an edge, or you just appreciate microbeveling in general, you can do what you suggested. If you do it often, you'll incur spinewear. If that's the case, see various threads in this forum re: vintage linens and their ability to give you a couple of hundred shaves before seeing an abrasive again.

  16. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to DaveW For This Useful Post:

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  17. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Some rocks are quite fragile and you wouldn't want to put tape anywhere near them. However, none of those are useful as hones.
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  18. The Following User Says Thank You to thebigspendur For This Useful Post:

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