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Thread: Are DMT stones supose to be "flat"?

  1. #1
    Senior Member lethalgraphix's Avatar
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    Default Are DMT stones supose to be "flat"?

    I have a new DMT325 I got about 2 months ago. Assuming it's a flattening stone for all my hone stones, is it suppose to be "flat" or concave? Have I worn it down? (Using 1k, 4k,8k,12k & 16k hones)
    I noticed yesterday, that the DMT is concave (low in the center) I can see light under the straight edge I'm using. Can I fix it & how? Or should I seek a replacement from the vendor? As I mentioned above, I've used it 8-10 times on my stones.

    (UPDATE POST #8)
    Last edited by lethalgraphix; 08-24-2015 at 11:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    The regular dmt stones are not supposed to be flattening stones, we just use them for that purpose They have a "certified flat" stone that is super expensive, but I never saw the need to spend that kind of money on a flattening stone.
    If it is that concave, then you probably got a lemon. I would contact them with pictures and see what they will do for you. I don't see anyway that a waterstone can wear a diamond plate...

  3. #3
    Senior Member lethalgraphix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ernie1980 View Post
    The regular dmt stones are not supposed to be flattening stones, we just use them for that purpose They have a "certified flat" stone that is super expensive, but I never saw the need to spend that kind of money on a flattening stone.
    If it is that concave, then you probably got a lemon. I would contact them with pictures and see what they will do for you. I don't see anyway that a waterstone can wear a diamond plate...
    This is my thought as well. I was using the DMT to flatten the bottom of my scuttle, when I noticed the issue.
    I put a steel ruler across the DMT and noticed light under the center portion. Probably about .004-.015.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Using s dial indicator I sent back two before I got a dead flat 325
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    .004 is awful close to flat.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Using s dial indicator I sent back two before I got a dead flat 325
    What I did was take a Starrett pro machinist’s straight edge to the back side of the plate. My 325 wasn't flat, my 1200 wasn't either. I called dia sharp, sent them back on my dime. They sent me a new 325 and the old 1200.

    They don't use a straight edge. I don't recall exactly how they come to gauge flat, but in their tolerances my old 325 was not flat, but the 1200 was. I later bought a 120, a 600 and a 8000. The 600 is dead flat with the straight edge, the others are not. Probably within their tolerances though.

    So send it back and see what happens ..........
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    DMT must have improved over the last couple years. Mine were not flat. I contacted them and got no reply. I tried again with the same results. The Trend was also not flat.
    Been a machinist most of my adult life and agree with JimmyHAD.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member lethalgraphix's Avatar
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    Okay, now I'm back from work, so I can do more than an "eyeball guess".
    Zeroed out the calipers and I've come out with -.0085 @ the center, decreasing steadily as you go out (L/R of center, -006, -0035, -.001, & at the edge .0005.

    So, keep or send back? Will this much effect flatness of the hone enough to effect blade geometry and comfort. Or just over thinking?

  9. #9
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    When it comes to a stone being absolutely flat I think of what one of the best hone masters said. the stones need to be flat-ish. when a blade moves up or down the stone it moves to some extent from side to side so I would thing that all of the blade would get some of the hone. kind of like when I hone a smiling blade. as one person said .004 is pretty flat. Now I wore out a DMT325 on a chipped swaty. the diamond plates can wear out. when this happened to me I bit the bullet and bought another.

  10. #10
    Senior Member lethalgraphix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    When it comes to a stone being absolutely flat I think of what one of the best hone masters said. the stones need to be flat-ish. when a blade moves up or down the stone it moves to some extent from side to side so I would thing that all of the blade would get some of the hone. kind of like when I hone a smiling blade. as one person said .004 is pretty flat. Now I wore out a DMT325 on a chipped swaty. the diamond plates can wear out. when this happened to me I bit the bullet and bought another.
    I sent Best Sharpening Stones a request for reply/ course of action request, so lets see what they say. $31 isn't a ton of bread, but if it's suppose to be flat or to make something flat, then I assume it should be flat or flatish. If they tell me +/-.010 is okay, then I'm good.
    If +/-.004 is acceptable, I can't believe honing 4 Stones twice (8X's) is enough to cause this kind of wear.

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