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Thread: Razor burn from coti edge!?

  1. #1
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Default Razor burn from coti edge!?

    I'm a little befuddled I bought a razor "shave ready" on a coticule from a reputable seller. I have shaved with this razor before and never felt it was quite ready so... Today I honed a razor and I'll go through my progression so you'll understand why I'm so confused..

    Bevel set on King 1k dry like usual.

    50 x strokes on a Duro coarse
    50 x strokes on the fine side
    25 x strokes pike ezy edge

    sticky tpt so off I went... Not very many strokes on the hone for using barber hones.. The edge wasn't fully refined...

    I shaved left side of face with coticule edge, right with barber hone.

    I was left with some nasty razor burn on my left neck and cheek, and minuscule amount on the right only in one area with a slightly pulling ATG. (Quarter sized)

    The coticule edge left me with razor burn... Vs a unrefined 5 minute pre shave hone that has lots of room for improvement...

    not cool...

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    In my case I find razor burn more closely related to pressure used than the edge itself. Perhaps if it was not sharp enough you were using extra pressure?
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  3. #3
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    It's the right side for me but that's caused by the angle of the razor. it's difficult to get the angle of the blade right and if i'm using a very light razor or extra hollow ground blade it makes it worse.
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  4. #4
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    Razor burn for me is usually where ever my new shaving venture area has brought me. This week I got a real nasty one under neath my chin and my left lower jaw area. I think it was more skill and tech along with the pressure I used in those unfamiliar areas. The razor was definitely sharp I just got it back from Bobs razors. I use to get it on my cheeks real bad until I got my razors sharpened and used no pressure in those areas.
    Walterbowens likes this.

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