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Thread: Uneven Bevel

  1. #1
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Default Uneven Bevel

    I have a Dovo Bismarck with an uneven bevel. One side is very slight. To even this out should I start on the 1000 with equals laps on both sides or concentrate on the light side.


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    That depends on why your bevel is uneven. If you look almost straight down at the bevel so you are looking at the tip of the apex and look all the way along the length of it, are there any sparkles or very bright lines? If so the bevel if not completely set. Another possibility is that the edge is not straight as in it has a smile or a frown. If your blade has a smile you will need to fix your stroke to get the bevel even and fully set. If it has a frown then there are ways to correct that too. Working on the 1K will fix that and perhaps the shoulder of your bevel at the same time. If it is not it may be uneven because your grind wavers a little bit. You can straighten the bevel with a 60 degree heel leading stroke to some degree. It is likely a cosmetic issue, How does the blade shave? A picture would be very handy.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    I have several razors with uneven bevils, most due to my own hands! However, if they shave fine I am able to ignore it unless it is really bad. Where are the pictures?
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If you mean that the bevel on one side of the blade is narrower than on the other side of the blade there might be something off physically with the blade. Say the spine comes down lower to where the hone comes in contact one one side than the other. The side with the lower contact point would have a narrower bevel.

    Photos of both sides of the blade and a head on shot would probably help.

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  5. #5
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    I will try some photos later today, after I get home. Razor shaves okay but does not seem to hold an edge well. Purchased from SRD and only refreshed maybe three times on a 12000 Nani.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yup, post some photo before you do anything, it may not matter if it shaves well.

    Lay the blade on a flat surface and compare both sides, to see if the edge and spine touch the surface across the whole blade.

    Usually, if the bevel is wider on one side, it is caused by a slight warp and sometimes honing on half the hone can resolve it, as said.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Yup, post some photo before you do anything, it may not matter if it shaves well.

    Lay the blade on a flat surface and compare both sides, to see if the edge and spine touch the surface across the whole blade.

    Usually, if the bevel is wider on one side, it is caused by a slight warp and sometimes honing on half the hone can resolve it, as said.
    Or the grinding is uneven - if there's more steel on one side it will show as a wider bevel. If the width of the bevel is variable along the same side, that could indicate a problem with the spine - but if the bevel is consistent - but wider on one side of the blade than the other, that suggests uneven grind to me.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Was the uneven bevel present from when you purchased it or did it develop as you honed the razor? Im thinking this probably developed as a result of the factory bevel set on the power wheel they use. Many razors have subtle warps and geometry issues straight out of the box and can be corrected with appropriate metal removal or you could build up with tape and even the spine by wearing into to the high spots on the tape. Depending on what your pics will show. It may not be anything to worry about and purely a cosmetic issue. As far as edge retention that may just be a factor of the steel Dovo uses. My Dovo edges never last as long as say my T.I.'s and I usually attribute that to C-135 being really hard stuff. Whatever the reason i'm sure our collective will figure it out.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I see this issue often, on new Dovo and TI razors, they are always warped, though as said other issues can cause this.

    But as said, depending on the bevel, may not affect the shave. A quick check, will tell you.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    You may want to talk to the folks at SRD, since you may still have a coupon for a honing and/or they can give you advice.
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