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Thread: Shapton Pro 15000 possibly contaminated with larger grit?

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    How did you determine this? Was it with your naked eye or under magnification? I ask because I'm wondering if the scratch pattern is in fact smaller but that it is being misinterpreted by your method of observation.
    I check by eye and with magnification. It looks like a new scratch pattern after I get to the 15K.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    Yup, correct Wirm, the stria you are seeing is deep stria, sub 5k, that is being revealed as the 5k stria is removed.

    Go back to the 5k and remove that deep stria, then finish. If you don’t it will probably chip the edge.

    What did you hone it with prior to the 5k?
    I had considered this, even though the scratch pattern looks new. Prior to 5k I'm using a 1500. Observing by eye and magnification (maybe not enough - swiss army magnifier), I don't see any remnants of the 1500 scratch.


  3. #13
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    As a diagnostic test, try honing up to 15k with the razor square (90 degrees) to the hone to produce scratch marks perpendicular to the edge. When you get to the 15k, use a 45 degree heel-leading stroke. When you look under magnification, there will be no doubt which are which.

    Cheers, Steve

  4. #14
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    Firstly, I'd like to apologize for being absent after you guys starting offering help, we've been transitioning our Mom into a nursing home.

    That aside, I've been through quite an ordeal that with your help I've figured out. I originally bought my stones for sharpening kitchen knives, then came the razors. When I set the bevel initially, I did it on stones that I hoped were true enough. They were not. the 1500 and 5K had been used a bit, the 15K never for a knife. The 15K presented scratch right in the middle of the spine and edge when I got it. Finally after many acquisition requests to the finance department (wife), I was able to obtain a DMT D8C and trued the stones. That's when the real problem presented - 3/8" of the toe and spine were making no contact. After hours on the 1500 with barely any progress, I decided to switch to the DMT. I honed (on what a sidewalk must feel like to hone on) until I had a consistent scratch on spine and bevel, then switched to the 1500. The mess from the DMT cleaned up fairly quickly, then I progressed.

    According to an earlier post, I had NOT been spending enough time on the 5K, nor the 15K, and I definitely agree that I need an intermediate grit between the two.

    So far, I've had two of the best and most comfortable shaves I've ever had on that razor. I very much appreciate all of your help.


  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yea, always nice to get the whole story… when asking for advice.

    After hours on the 1500 with barely any progress, I decided to switch to the DMT. I honed (on what a sidewalk must feel like to hone on) until I had a consistent scratch on spine and bevel, then switched to the 1500.

    So you honed it on a 325 DMT without tape, then blamed the finisher for deep scratches. Might have helped if you had included that little nugget or information…

    Dude, you have needlessly ground off lots of steel from the bevel and spine, go back and read the first 3 post in the honing forum and put some tape on the spine, until you master honing. 325 diamond to 15k is a bit of a jump.

  6. #16
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    325 diamond to 15k is a bit of a jump.
    Yes, but he did say that he used the 1500 and 5k between the two of them.

  7. #17
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    My thought would be that the 15k was only partially removing scratch marks from the 5k, because of the large jump. It could look like new scratches, but it was probably just old ones that were not going away. Glad you figured it out, and yea, slap some tape on there!
    Euclid440 likes this.

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