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Thread: Hone of the Day

  1. #3221
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    Poor knife took a beating after having a friend come over and help cook. She was in need of some sharpening anyway. Brunt work was done on a 6x2 midrange jnat for knives and then some finishing strokes and stropping on the kiita. The gyuto is back to slicing very nicely and evenly

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  2. #3222
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    I finally get the opportunity to put 4 of my razors on the hones, not honed these 4 for a very long time, very easy razors to refresh, went back to the 8K, 12k finally finished on the 20K.

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    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  3. #3223
    Senior Member Badgister's Avatar
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    honed up this beauty that came in the mail today.
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  4. #3224
    Senior Member joamo's Avatar
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    Finished on my favorite quartzite,

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  5. #3225
    Senior Member Steve56's Avatar
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    Clauss 7/8 - bevel set on Shapton 2k Glass, it would have set on the 4k except for a little area on the toe and heel, a common occurrence. Followed the 2k Glass with the 4k Glass and tested for bevel set. Next up, jnat with tomo slurry followed by the same jnat with about 20 clear water strokes. Test shave was perfect, lovely razor. Could use new scales at some point though.
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    My doorstop is a Nakayama

  6. #3226 JOB15's Avatar
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    Had a mini hone fest tonight.

    Max Sprecher Ezra A & T.I Spartacus.
    Both had the bevel set on the Debado 1k / Full Nagura Progression Nakayama

    Max's are always a pleasure because of the true grind.
    The T.I was a joke , some one had done a Dr.Matt on it to fix the spine and left it looking like trash.

    A Dovo Stainless Steel full hollow bellied with a chip..
    Really weak metal.
    Chip removed with the Chosera 800
    15 laps on the Ozuku to hone..

    Now i can hit the sack

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  7. #3227
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Dear Dovo,

    Enough already with your "cute" honing routine, just stop already
    Not only you can't hit "shave ready" with most all of them you are putting frowns in them too

    This is simply wrong, and it is almost every factory Dovo edge

    Always hone toward a smile, and never get a frown,

    Factory Dovo Black Star edge

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    ps: 100% way to test for a frown, Flat surface, bright light behind the razor

    Hone On !!!
    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
    Very Respectfully - Glen

    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

  8. #3228
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    LOL Dovo factory edge! What a joke! Good steel, bad edge, sometimes awful grinding. The Gold Dollar of Solingen! Good shavers once you get them sorted out, sure. Too bad Dovo insists that they are good to go, straight from the factory. They have probably turned a lot of wannabe straight shavers back to their blue handle throwaways.

  9. #3229
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    All the Dovo's I've come across, need the stabilizers thinned/ ground more. The heels are more like a wedge, than a hollow grind.
    gssixgun and JOB15 like this.

  10. #3230
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    All the Dovo's I've come across, need the stabilizers thinned/ ground more. The heels are more like a wedge, than a hollow grind.
    I have often thought that giving entry level Dovos the old Gold Dollar treatment, grinding in a thumbnotch, getting rid of the stabilizer, etc, would be a cool thing to do. But I find that poor alignment between spine and edge is the more common problem, and there is not an excess of steel to work with on the belt sander.

    The midrange and better Dovos usually have zero issues. I really do like the Bismarck and the Prima Klang, even stock, untouched from the factory. Honing a Bismarck is very straightforward in my experience. Honing a "Best Quality" is like "Oh no, not another one!" LOL!

    I think most of us are reluctant to do a lot of grinding on a razor that costs as much as a good one. Isn't it supposed to already be finished? And who wants to risk destroying a razor that costs a day's wages for most people? So a lot of Bests get set aside in junk drawers. It should be remembered that hardly any are totally beyond redemption if sent to a competent honer willing and able to gitter done.

    The worst part about it is that the worst razors are marketed for and bought by those least equipped to deal with them, which is beginners who want a brand new razor that hasn't been half destroyed by previous owners and honers. What a tragedy. Newbies should buy these only from sellers with a good track record of putting them to rights. Once that initial bevel is properly set, all is good. At least until heel hook develops, decades down the line.

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