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Thread: Shaves great, doesn't pass HHT

  1. #1
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    Default Shaves great, doesn't pass HHT

    I'm new to honing my own razors. I have honed three different blades so far and I haven't had one pass the HHT. The issue I'm having is that they all have shaved great, not that that the issue. I just thought that it should pass that test since it shaves well. Any info on what's going on here?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    HHT is just a "test" some use to see if it has a sharp enough blade to use to shave with. Only real way to show it is shave ready is to shave with it.
    Chevhead and Substance like this.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    The hanging hair test needs to be figured out before hand using a know shave ready razor. Some hones are notoriously bad for not passing the hanging hair test but leave very smooth shaving edges. Just because a blade asses a hanging hair test is no guarantee that it will shave smoothly. If it is calibrated correctly it is an indicator that a blade has achieved a certain level of sharpness. Truly the test of how well a razor shaves is in the shave.
    Pithor, Chevhead, Raol and 3 others like this.
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  6. #4
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    All such tests need to be calibrated. I've told this story many times before but here goes again.

    Before going to my first Frozen Toe Meet-up at Mike Blue's place in (I believe) 2008, I assumed that I could not hone worth a damn. Everybody on the forum kept talking about their honing being able to tree top their arm hair. Mine never did. My blades just bent the hairs over so obviously my edges were not sharp enough. At the meet-up I watched Randy hone a razor and when he was done he checked the edge on his arm hair. I eagerly asked him if I could try out the blade on my arm. I was very relieved to find that his edge was not able to cut my arm hair either.

    So, if you have the arm hair of a three year old girl, like I do, then tree topping is not a viable test for you. The hair on my head is also quite fine; and so on the rare occasion that I feel the need to try an HHT, and for me it is rare, I pluck a chest hair and use that.

    Not all hair is the same. For that reason, not all HHTs will perform the same. If your razors shave you well then that is the most important thing. IF you feel the need to keep playing with the HHT, then try out some other hairs!
    RezDog and daverojo77 like this.

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  8. #5
    Senior Member daverojo77's Avatar
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    I never get a HHT yet my shaves are great. I do however use my arm hair tell me if the razor is cutting though. when the razor tree tops then I'm really happy but doesn't happen all the time. I think it is a mater of calibrating your stones and razors and I'm not there yet.
    I think letting your face and results of the shave be the best test.

    Check out this video by gssixgun on test shave:
    "Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women."

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  10. #6
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    Are you trying the HHT before or after stropping?

  11. #7
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    The hanging hair test needs to be figured out before hand using a know shave ready razor. Some hones are notoriously bad for not passing the hanging hair test but leave very smooth shaving edges. Just because a blade asses a hanging hair test is no guarantee that it will shave smoothly. If it is calibrated correctly it is an indicator that a blade has achieved a certain level of sharpness. Truly the test of how well a razor shaves is in the shave.
    This is all to true. I have one that i cleaned up the blade and made new scales and honed . It passes the HHT but shaves like a garden hoe. just plumb awful. i have re-honed it many times and still the same results. Now i haven't given up and want until the blade is honed away. The only true test is the shave test.
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  12. #8
    Pasted Man Castel33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    This is all to true. I have one that i cleaned up the blade and made new scales and honed . It passes the HHT but shaves like a garden hoe. just plumb awful. i have re-honed it many times and still the same results. Now i haven't given up and want until the blade is honed away. The only true test is the shave test.
    How are you setting the bevel?

    To the op in addition to all hair not being created equally. Not all finishes are equal. Razors I finish on paste and norton 8k I can pass hht. Ones I finish on my black ark and cnat rarely will pass the hht.

  13. #9
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castel33 View Post
    How are you setting the bevel?

    To the op in addition to all hair not being created equally. Not all finishes are equal. Razors I finish on paste and norton 8k I can pass hht. Ones I finish on my black ark and cnat rarely will pass the hht.
    I use the same hones i've always use 1K-3-5-8-12K naniwa and finish on the Suehiro 20K then strop. I've re-Honed at least 6 times but i'm hard headed i'll keep after it until it shaves good then put it up or throw it away. the blade has some devils spit at the spine but the edge and above it is good. How knows maybe the next time will be good.

  14. #10
    Silky Smooth
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    A question for the more experienced honers: I've been wondering - do blades with a bit more of a "jagged" (though still very fine) edge "catch" the hairs better than those with slightly smoother edges and therefore are more likely to pass a HHT?
    gssixgun likes this.
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