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Thread: First hone :D

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    Default First hone :D

    Hey all, just taking a chance to be proud of myself if you don't mind. For Christmas my awesome wife ordered me quarter nortons from whipped dog and I had just gotten gifted to me a Iowa Barber Supply razor that I rescaled. So I took the new stones and did my first hone, today I shaved with it and I could not be happier! I am by no means claiming I did perfect or that I am now a hone master but I am super proud of myself and wanted to share. Did I do perfect I seriously doubt it but I did well enough to shave and have no issues and to me it seems as close as I get with my DE so I feel really good about it. Thanks for letting me brag for a minute and I hope everyone has a great day!
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  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    If you managed to do your first honing one those tiny hones, then yes, you should be proud. Those hones are sold to beginners, most of whom would struggle terribly actually using them.

    I just checked and the Whipped Dog lie about the quarter Norton size is still being made. The quarter hones are absolutely not "50% larger than an average barber hone."

    A Swaty is the average size of a barber hone and it is 2"X5" so has an area of 10 square inches while a Norton is 3x8 with an area of 24 square inches and that assumes an infinitely small blade cutting the hone. Now, one fourth of 24 is 6.

    Is 6 50% larger than 10???
    Last edited by Utopian; 12-27-2015 at 02:51 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Yes, they would be difficult to use because of their size. Regardless of that, if you are happy shaving off the edge then it is a successful honing. Congratulations!
    ejmolitor37 likes this.
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  4. #4
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daverojo77 View Post
    All is all I think Larry is transparent about what he sells.
    But does that look to be "50% larger than an average barber hone?" I don't think there is anything transparent about that claim.

    I've watched enough beginners struggle to keep their razors flat on full size hones. It would be a lot more difficult on hones half as wide. An extra $60 for a set of full size hones is well worth the money.
    Phrank and ejmolitor37 like this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    Congratulations OP. Your first successful honing is a great feeling with any stones.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Iceni's Avatar
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    You will outgrow those small hones as you get more razors, But you will always keep them even when you move up to full stones because they make perfect travel and kitchen hones.

    Provided you are careful, deliberate and slow there is no reason why you can't get a perfect edge from them. It will be slower and harder but you already know that.
    ejmolitor37 likes this.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth ejmolitor37's Avatar
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    I agree Utopian full size stones would be much easier but in the end they work just takes a bit more patience and concentration In the future I will be getting a full size set and a 12k stone but for now I will keep on keeping on with the little fellas.

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