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Thread: Second try - Gold Dollar 208

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Long Island, NY
    Thanked: 3


    I did who knows how many passes on the 12k naniwa again. Even used a marker to see if everything comes off. It did. My Nates Straight has a line like that aswell. Even my jnat honed (previous owner) near wedge wostenholm.

    Name:  GD-SC-Fix-1.jpg
Views: 83
Size:  51.3 KB
    Name:  Wostenholm.jpg
Views: 85
Size:  52.4 KB

    I observed the GD through each step and decided to put it on chromium oxide and strop it. The edge is really scary sharp. It could be sharper for sure but thats as far as I can take it with what I have.

    I dont know if the line is from the microscope, is it the end of the edge thats reflecting (it cant be that microscopic under about 300x mag). I dont know. If you have another idea as to why its like that then let me know

    Last edited by Tomakao; 01-11-2016 at 11:45 PM. Reason: Fixed Spelling

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