Howdy guys! I've been creepily lurking in the shadows reading your every word and hungrily digesting everything you all say on here...(if you're creeped out at this point you should be. )

But seriously, too busy learning to be saying much.

A recently acquired razor was bought but needed restoration before shaving. Impatient (like normal) I set about on a 3k to set a bevel and actually think I did a pretty dang good job of it. By the time I was done it was cutting hare on my arm.

Unfortunately I don't have anything much finer than a 3k (waiting for a 4k/8k combo to arrive from ebay...) and I tried to shave with it.


Realizing that didn't work, I set about honing from 3k to shave ready... with my handy Apart barber's hone.

I could clearly see the striations on the bevel when I began. After more passes than I would like to admit, it is reflective like a mirror though some striations persist. Yesterday I got my first bearable shave out of it.

There are still some striations and I intend to continue with the Apart the time I'm done, should I see no more striations - just a smooth, mirror-like surface?

Anyways I was pretty happy with the ability of my Apart to move the edge along, though I would really prefer to have some other intermediate steps between 3k and whatever the Apart is (I hope high grit? Who knows though. )