I got an earlier start than normal today with my new (to me) razor. I tried shaving with it as is. As I suspected, it pulled more than the razors I honed myself. I then ran maybe 20 laps on .5 micron diamond paste, wiped off the blade, 20 on cotton and 50 on leather. It then became as sharp, or possibly sharper, than either of the other two. It shaved quite well and lifted the arm hairs like my Friodur. It is an Emil Jansen (AKA no name) razor from Solingen. I was surprised at how far the paste took it so quickly. This is also my first carbon steel blade. It also has a very thin grind. So, the upshot is that for me, a razor that won't catch arm hair would be not fun to shave with. BTW I see a lot of youtube shave videos with guys who have goatees. That's cheating. If I still had my goatee, my shave would take 3 minutes.

Special thanks to Randy for giving me an invite to his personal honing training.