Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
Riding off my success using a coti slurry on my black to finish my Dovo this past week, I figured I would try it on my Boker which is notorious for giving me a crisp edge off the stones. I noted that the slurry turned dark considerably later than it did on my Dovo, but then maybe I used more slurry. But even then, diluting it, it took quite some time I note. If it was a knife, I would say my Boker was made with a better steel. A stronger steel. I have thought that before. But I'm just speculating now.

I've taken it to the strop and am looking forward to my shave tomorrow! I'm hoping the magic that happened on my Dovo will recreate itself on my Boker. I love my Boker, but it takes a special kind of love to tone it down. I'm hoping this does the trick. Will report back tomorrow!
im über excited to hear about this. I have HAD HARD right now. I would LOVE to see how a la veinette slurry flies on a black.