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Thread: To tape or not to tape

  1. #61
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whizbang View Post
    I have enjoyed reading the various viewpoints in this thread. I learn so much from different perspectives. Tape, it seems, is a YMMV thing...

    In some of the responses some of you say you use tape on the 1K stone and then remove it for the 4/8, 12K etc. stones. Is there a reason you do this? I can see the 1K is where you are removing the most it because above 1K the tape serves no real purpose? But is there any harm in leaving it on for all stages of honing? I leave mine on for the 1K and 3/8K just seems easier....and consistent.

    There is a very good reason to do so but also very rare,,,

    You get a beautiful NOS razor in for honing, and the owner wants it honed Without tape, the razor has micro chips or any other issue that requires a "Hard Bevel set"

    So you put on 1 layer of tape, set the hard bevel, remove the tape, kill the edge and bring it all back with feather light laps on the mid range hone 4k-ish and finish off the honing leaving the owner a uniform bevel without tape, nor any honewear from the heavy bevel set...

    It is a rare usage just an arrow in the quiver to have..

    Yes you could do without the tape but it takes less then a penny's worth and no time so why bother
    Srdjan likes this.

  2. #62
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clayglen View Post
    New question on tape has poped in my wee little pea brain.
    I have two razors with problem spots. Likely due to my novice skills. One is a Worsty and there is a bit more wear at the stabilizer. It's a struggle to get a good hone, but only in that spot. My new love, a Le Grelot, the toe is a stuggle, not sure why yet.
    Would an extra layer of tape help? Hmm?? I may give it a try after I thin the honey do list.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    Try the second layer and see

    That is the real advantage to using tape, you can experiment and not cause excess hone wear to the spine in doing so..
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