The edge looks better, but still room for improvement, chippy after 12k and Chrome Oxide, much better after leather.

You did not say how many laps you did. You need to do more on the 3 to remove the 1k stria, try to remove it all.

Ideally you want to both remove stria on the bevel and straighten the edge, at the same time, but sometimes it is easier to concentrate on, one thing at a time. Remove the deep stria, you will need some pressure and Circles will remove deep stria quicker, but can leave a ragged edge.

So, remove the deep 1k stria first and try to get the edge as straight as possible, doing light X stroke laps, jointing can help by straightening the edge first.

On the 3 or 4k, begin with circles in sets of 20, to remove the 1k stria, keep doing circles, until all the deep stria are removed, then lay down an even 3/4k stria. Once the bevel is even, then joint the edge or and or do light X laps, until the edge, is as straight as possible.

Do the same at 8k, circles and X strokes, where the edge should begin to get very straight. After 8k there should be no deep stria and the edge should be very straight and chip free.

Try stropping on linen after the 4k, you can strop on Chrome Oxide between stones.

Part of the issue may be the razor, as there is some pitting on the belly of the blade, don’t know how deep the pitting goes.
Now, keep in mind we are talking about perfecting an edge, it is not necessary to remove all the stria from each stone, but when learning and or trouble shooting, eliminate as many possibilities.