This is for the noobies out there, like myself, to assure you that honing your own razors can be done!

I got a honing set up for Christmas (DMT 325 for lapping and Naniwa SS 5K, 8K, and 12K and 30x loop for magnification). I had a couple older razors to practice on (which I recommend). They had bevels on them in that they would pop some arm hair, but they were pretty rough as viewed through the loop. To really make sure I was putting an edge on the razors, I lightly killed the edge on the side of the stone. I've watched Glen's video on tape/no tape where he sets a bevel with a 1K with tape, dulls it, and then brings the edge back on a 5K without tape. So, I figured I could start with bevel setting and bringing the edge back at the 5K level. It worked after some experimenting with a mix of techniques from Glen's videos and Lynn's videos on bevel setting (many thanks to them and others from us visual learner folks who need video!).

I then ran through a pyramid going back and forth between 5k/8k. Finished with a few laps on the 12k and then a few laps on a diamond sprayed felt paddle strop. Last was plain felt strop and leather strop. And, much to my surprise and pleasure, they shaved! Granted, the edges are not the greatest that I've ever experienced. I suspect this is probably a product of over honing, more pressure than necessary, or not having the bevel set as well as it could be. BUT, and this is the point for all the noobs out there, it can be done! I also found it quite relaxing...additional bonus!

Before I get carried away with finishing stones, I think that I may need to work backwards with bevel setting and get a Chosera 1K. My question is whether I could jump from the 1K to the 5K, or whether it would really be better to get a 3K for the go between?

So grateful that this forum exists!