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Thread: New guy honing on Naniwa 12K SS - big thank you SRP

  1. #21
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    [QUOTE=Euclid440;1722281]The 12k Super/Specialty stone, all the stones in that series, are notorious for loading up. Frequent refreshing/resurfacing is needed and will provide a better honing surface and edge.

    A diamond plate for doing so, is a good investment. Chef Knives to Go makes a very nice 400/1000 dual grit 8X3 diamond plate for $35.

    I agree diamond plates are a good investment. Can't recommend the CKTG plate. I purchased one, and the diamonds are coming off. probably good for sharpening knives. Not good for lapping. Just my experience...

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    I agree diamond plates are a good investment. Can't recommend the CKTG plate. I purchased one, and the diamonds are coming off. probably good for sharpening knives. Not good for lapping. Just my experience...
    I did pick up one of those CKTG 400/1000 plates and used the 1000 side to lap the stone. It took a while but worked. What was your experience with the CKTG plate? How long did it last for you?

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Have you tried cleaning it with a nail brush and soft scrub? They look like they are loosing their diamonds but often they are just getting plugged up.
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  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Lap stones under running water, or you will pull diamonds out, from any plate.

    As said, it is probably just clogged, stiff brush and cleanser, can revive a clogged plate,
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    relli1130 (03-29-2017)

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by relli1130 View Post

    I did pick up one of those CKTG 400/1000 plates and used the 1000 side to lap the stone. It took a while but worked. What was your experience with the CKTG plate? How long did it last for you?
    It still works, but after 4 or 5 months, there are large bare spots on both sides.

  7. #26
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    Wow! I stand corrected. On several counts. First, I don't own the CKTG plate! I thought I did, but then I recall purchasing my plate elsewhere. It is similar though - a 400/1000 combo plate. Anyway, thanks Euclid for the tip. Here you will see my before and after photos. I thought the diamonds were peeling off my plate. But it was just clogged. I used Comet and a stiff plastic brush. Nearly good as new! I was seriously looking to purchase an Atoma b/c of the good reviews. Now that I know what to do, I'm hoping I'll have this plate for a long time. I do like the fact that the 1000k gives my stones a nice clean polish with less grooves on my Norton. So, in hindsight, if the CKTG plate performs like mine, I would recommend...sorry for any confusion

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    tinkersd (04-15-2017)

  9. #27
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    use the 400 side for the heavy lifting. then use the 1000 side to reduce the grooves left behind with the 400 side. you should be left with a nice polish on the stones. That's what I do anyways, and it seems to work for me.

    I just posted some photos of before and after since I cleaned my lapping plate with comet and a stiff brush. My plate is as good as new. Sorry if I gave you reason to be concerned with my previous post. My plate was simply clogged, and I didn't know that. I now realize I don't have the CKTG plate. I have a different one, but it is similar b/c it is a 400/1000 combo plate. My apologies.
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  10. #28
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    In most cases the 400 is perfectly adequate for lapping or refreshing a hone, with no need to use the 1k side.

  11. #29
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    Can you just use wet sandpaper, like 400 grit?

  12. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by JayR View Post
    Can you just use wet sandpaper, like 400 grit?
    It will work in the short term, or if you don't do a lot of honing. But when I started out, I spent enough money on sand paper to buy 2 DMTs before I finally cut my losses and bought the diamond plate.

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