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Thread: Can't get an even bevel across whole razor

  1. #1
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    Default Can't get an even bevel across whole razor

    I have a few razors atm and my stone collection is a d8c for lapping
    Norton 1000/4000/8000 and naniwa 12k
    Razor is a Geneva straight.
    First I used 2 layers of tape, use the d8c for a few laps go to the 1k and I can get bevel to cut hair on all parts of bevel. I dull edge on glass and do the same with 1 layer of tape. Same results but then when I move to 1 layer of tape I can't get an even bevel and the razor won't cut hairs of my arm anywhere.

    Set bevels and honed few other razors all the way to a very nice shave but can't get this one past the bevel stage. Bevel is sort of large so I don't use very much pressure at all. On 1k I do circles then I just finish with x strokes. I hone with one hand focusing on even pressure. The tape wasn't over the shoulder or anything like that.
    Anyone know what I might be doing wrong or what I should be doing differently? Spent an hour or two on the razor before I started to get annoyed and leave it alone.
    Copy of link to get an idea of the size of the bevel. On the d8c I can get it it level it seems from the scratch marks but when I move to 1k looks like a second bevel forms and it doesn't get sharp like it did with tape.
    1k stone flattened before and after last razor I honed up and before this razor as well

    Last edited by Christian1; 05-07-2017 at 11:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have to point out the obvious. Just hone it through with tape on it. It will save the hone wear and should have like a dream.
    Christian1 and Marshal like this.
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    Christian1 (05-07-2017)

  4. #3
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    mmm alrighty guess I will get over the no tape bevel

  5. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian1 View Post
    I have a few razors atm and my stone collection is a d8c for lapping
    Norton 1000/4000/8000 and naniwa 12k
    Razor is a Geneva straight.
    First I used 2 layers of tape, use the d8c for a few laps go to the 1k

    Anyone know what I might be doing wrong or what I should be doing differently? Spent an hour or two on the razor before I started to get annoyed and leave it alone.

    Read Rule #1 twice then read the rest

    If the razor doesn't have major Edge Restoration issues Chips, Re-Contour, etc: keep the edge off the DMT that thing will cut the crap outta the belly of the bevel.. See Rule #5
    Christian1 and Srdjan like this.

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    Christian1 (05-07-2017)

  7. #5
    Junior Tinkerer Srdjan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian1 View Post
    mmm alrighty guess I will get over the no tape bevel
    Not sure what you meant here, but he said to use one tape (or maybe even 2 from the looks of it) and hone it that way. To me that looks like a bevel too wide for what looks to be at least half-hollow grind. Maybe the bevel angle is too steep, so might be worth measuring the bevel angle, too.

    Hope that's the good one.
    BobH and Christian1 like this.
    As the time passes, so we learn.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Srdjan For This Useful Post:

    Christian1 (05-07-2017)

  9. #6
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    I try not to use tape when honing my razors, but I went back and got the bevel using a layer of tape. Got a very nice bevel on it then it went to the norton 4k/8k naniwa 12k, and chromium oxide strop. Was going to shave tonight so went ahead and gave it the shave test, wasn't expecting much but the razor shaved perfectly. Was actually surprised how great it shaved after I couldn't even get a bevel on it without tape. Guess I will be using tape on the Genco when it needs touch ups. Might have just earned itself a spot in the shave rotation with how nice it went. Thanks for help guys
    RezDog and athiker like this.

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