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Thread: Had to get creative today for bevel set

  1. #1
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    Default Had to get creative today for bevel set

    Learned a lot today. Restoring a wade and butcher special with lots of pitting and a warp

    Got past the pitting on the edge finally to good steel but was having fits trying to set the bevel so I got creative

    This allowed me to section off the blade into roughly thirds and work around the warp. I joined the edge with the hone flat best I could do.

    Under magnification things look good. I took my time and paid attention now I know what the TNT feels like when bevel is set and not set and how to tell the difference.

    Blade melts through arm hair at skin level all along the blade after the shapton pro 1.5k stone. No reflection when I look straight down with the lighted loupe. I think the bevel is finally set.

    Rest of the progression will have to wait but I feel like I learned something today.

    Was I wrong for turning the hone on its side?
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  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sdm84 View Post

    Was I wrong for turning the hone on its side?

    No, it worked didn't it


    As you get more familiar with the "Gymnastics" that you had to do on that thin edge of the stone, just know that you can do the exact same gymnastics on part of a wider hone...

    It really makes no difference, as long as you aren't buying a thin hone thinking you need one..

    Whatever helps you to get a razor shaving works
    DoughBoy68, BobH and Marshal like this.

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