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  • 14 Post By gssixgun
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Thread: Building a Hone Stand / Bridge

  1. #1
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Red face Building a Hone Stand / Bridge

    How to build a quick easy Hone Stand or Bridge:

    I had to make one yesterday for my new Naniwa 1k Pro
    So I snapped some pics

    I use Cedar but any water resistant wood will work.

    Cut the base about 1/4 inch larger than the stone then cut off two 1 inch -ish blocks for the legs

    Sand smooth and as even as possible, Woodglue and a couple of Brads are more than enough to hold it all together...

    The only real tricks are getting it to sit level, using a Nailset to sink the nail heads below the surface and using a good quality Poly-Urethane or Varnish to seal it all especially the ends...

    I use Marine Epoxy to actually attach the Hones myself, but have heard of using a silicone type glue so they can be removed at a later date

    Anyway here are some quick pics before the Finish so you can see the details

    I have some just like this that I built over 5 years ago that get wet nearly every day so they do last..

    You of course can refine the design

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    "No amount of money spent on a Stone can ever replace the value of the time it takes learning to use it properly"
    Very Respectfully - Glen

    Proprietor - GemStar Custom Razors Honing/Restores/Regrinds Website

  2. The Following 13 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    BWH1980 (07-27-2017), Dieseld (07-29-2017), Geezer (07-27-2017), HARRYWALLY (07-27-2017), Hirlau (07-27-2017), Jlander (07-27-2017), markbignosekelly (07-27-2017), Mrchick (07-28-2017), RezDog (07-27-2017), ScoutHikerDad (07-27-2017), tintin (07-27-2017), Walterbowens (07-27-2017), xiaotuzi (07-27-2017)

  3. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Good deal, Glenn-My current "high tech" stone holder for naturals is a piece of 2x4 with a rag draped over it on one side of my L-shaped computer desk. When I get tired of desk-work, I can just hit my SB Ark with a spritz of WD-40 or Ballistol and refine an edge-it's a good stress reliever.

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