Hi everyone. I'm fairly new to the straight razor world, almost a year now. And I want to up my honing game. I have been honing and refreshing my razors all myself up to this point and getting CCS. I have a synthetic progression, King 1K, Norton 4/8k and Nani 12k. I've been fine tuning this and am still working on getting it perfect. I've read and watched everything on the internet it seems and I have been lured by the promise of buttery BBS to naturals. Just received my first Coti the other day and waiting for a Thuri from the U.K. And a Zulu Grey from S. Africa. Yeah I seem to have caught a little HAD. And right after I got over my RAD. This is a grueling sport. So I kind of feel like I need some in person help at this point. I'm still making small progressions to smoother more buttery blades and I took a razor that has been stubbornly harsh and I was about to sell it and I tamed it with the Coti. So does anyone know of a meetup or mentor in the NYC area that would be willing to help a HAD disseased newbie find his perfect edge? Thanks.