Quote Originally Posted by Tony Miller View Post
Good point! Anyone want to buy a bunch of 1 1/2" stones? ......I'm getting a 3" now and forgetting about that pesky X pattern once and for all <g>
I know you have have a Y/G escher tucked away somewhere I can take off your hands

Quote Originally Posted by Tony Miller View Post
BTW, Eric, you have a package on the way.....quite a nice asortmant if I do say so myself.
Must...stop...hyperventilating...must...not...get. ..too...excited

My explanation is for a standard X-pattern. Of course if you can modify the motion then all the power too you. Of course i don't have near the experience as you do. I can't imagine using 1" stones like you do.

Actually, I would say that (considering a person has the skill, of which i don't) the narrower the stone, the more even the hone-time each part of the blade receives. My general feeling is that, even with special techniques, there will be some amount of unevenness, though it can be lessened to the point where it becomes negligible.