Yes, when it comes to honing, I'm a definite newbie.
I have had good success with my Wapi's but very little if any success with a Stainless Steel razor.
I have honed this razor using pyramids, with X pattern. Pasted paddles, hanging strop, back to honing, finishing up with a 12K Chinese hone, back to the strops, pasted and hanging. My stones are all well dressed and lapped perfectly flat. Any factory layer has been removed on my 4k/8k Norton too.
Now, how do I know if its over honed? I have a Radio Shack scope but the resolution is too poor for my untrained eyes to detect a problem. I have no idea what to look for!
The other thing I notice is that the edge is so thin that if I run the edge of my thumbnail along the underside of the very edge of the razor, I can see an impression of my nail on the top edge. It appears to be as thin as tin foil. Is this typical for a full hollow grind?
What should I be looking for?
This razor has me vexed! It will not give a pull free, smooth shave with a clean cutting of whiskers.

Any opinions from the experienced would be very welcomed.

Thanks guys!