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Thread: Confused

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Confused

    Im thinking of getting into honing. Maybe someone can clarify "bevel setting" for me. I've watched Lynn's utube on honing as well as others. Is there a separate step for setting the bevel? Maybe I'm just confused

  2. #2
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    You need to get with an experienced honer. Watching vids will give you the basics but hands-on instruction will save you a LOT of false starts and possibly a ruined blade.
    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by alschepis View Post
    Im thinking of getting into honing. Maybe someone can clarify "bevel setting" for me. I've watched Lynn's utube on honing as well as others. Is there a separate step for setting the bevel? Maybe I'm just confused
    Read through this article in the Library:

    Setting the bevel means you are getting the correct “knife edge” on your razor. If that geometry is off, all the expensive hones won’t be worth a damn. That’s why everyone on SRP stresses starting out on a relatively low (1k) grit stone and taking a lot of time to make sure that the bevel is set correctly at the start.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Perhaps understanding the expression will help a little. It can be defined as when the apex is fully developed along the entire length of the cutting edge. At this stage you are making a perfect ‘V’ all the way along. Often when viewing just from the side one cannot easily distinguish between a ‘U’ and a ‘V’. The tip of the apex will show any deficiencies when well lit and examined with acloupe, looking primarily straight down. Once it is properly developed you can then begin to polish the bevels.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

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  6. #5
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    The little square "search" box on the top right hand corner will provide hours and hours of reading fun, links to videos, and various takes on bevel setting, micro bevels, and all sorts of stuff, just search for it, do your reading, and if there are any exact details, or trouble you're having while practicing honing, take some pics and post in the Honing forum....the search box is your friend, that's the easiest way to drill down and get the info you need.

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  7. #6
    Senior Member Longhaultanker's Avatar
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    The link above will help with understanding the relationship between apex, edge, bevel plane from spine to edge. There is a lot of information in this hobby and much of it you have to dig for yourself.
    Phrank likes this.
    A little advice: Don't impede an 80,000 lbs. 18 wheeler tanker carrying hazardous chemicals.

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  9. #7
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longhaultanker View Post

    The link above will help with understanding the relationship between apex, edge, bevel plane from spine to edge. There is a lot of information in this hobby and much of it you have to dig for yourself.
    You were on the entire hobby deep in right from the start. You went hardcore IIRC, mastered the shaving part, drilled down into honing and practiced, experimented, trial and error, various naturals, synthetics, you scoped it all out and can put just about any edge you want on a were far more bold than I hitting the honing aspect, but you were right - get the information, get in, practice and get it done!
    Geezer and outback like this.

  10. #8
    Senior Member Longhaultanker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    You were on the entire hobby deep in right from the start. You went hardcore IIRC, mastered the shaving part, drilled down into honing and practiced, experimented, trial and error, various naturals, synthetics, you scoped it all out and can put just about any edge you want on a were far more bold than I hitting the honing aspect, but you were right - get the information, get in, practice and get it done!
    Thank you for the very nice comment. True, I hit the ground running and haven’t slowed up.
    A little advice: Don't impede an 80,000 lbs. 18 wheeler tanker carrying hazardous chemicals.

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