I honned 10 razors on my last days off. 2 were just touch-ups, one i finished on the arkie, rest were finished on 20k. When i test shave its a full shave so i get a true test. I always keep track of what stone i finished a razor on and the day, plus how many shaves.

Now for the issue...

Test shaved a razor a couple days ago, it felt harsh to me. Edge looks good thru a loupe and my log shows i finished on 20k. I know i honed it like all the others. Nothing different. But i cant remember any details of the honning process. How did it take the bevel set? Was it a bit wonky? If so, what side? Was it an easy finish? How did it compare with the Arm Hair test? Did to many at the same time to remember any details so i have no clue what caused this harse feeling.

So to all the guys learning to hone, be sure to take notes along the way for each razor. It may help you in remembering details. I know i will for now on.