The difference between the two is in identifying problems. With Razors problems are magnified. Because really, no-one shaves with a knife and all but a few really need a knife that sharp.

Because thing are ubiquitous people think that they are easy, like shooting, driving a car, hitting a golf ball or sharpening a knife. but to compete at a high level, these things become much more difficult.

Yes, some skills can transfer over, and a skilled knife sharpener may be able to hone a razor, but certainly not the cutlery guy with the belt sander. There is one guy locally, that I repair a lot of his “work”.

My brother who is a scratch golfer, once quit his job and went on the Pro golf circuit for 3 years, he said the difference between his skills and the true Pro’s was that they play very well, in the heat or bone chilling cold, in wind or rain, sick or healthy, hung over or sober. The ability to sink a put is not so much in hitting the ball, as reading the green, and you must sink a putt at every hole. Each stroke counts, the one who makes the least mistakes, wins.