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Thread: My Natural honing experiances to date.

  1. #11
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    I see you did your testing with German steel. I wonder how your results might have differed if you had tested Sheffield steel or others types.

    Your testing does show the trade-off between keenness of the edge and smoothness on the face. That is why so many of us pick different finishing hones as our favorites. If we could get a super keen yet super smooth edge, most of us would be satisfied, but that rarely happens. Normally, we have to find the stone and technique that produces an edge that is keen enough for our beard type and hope the edge is smooth enough for our face. Or conversely, we will try to produce a smooth edge and hope it is keen enough for our beard. For those with coarse beards and sensitive faces, there is not much tolerance either way. There is no one stone or one method that works for everyone.

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to RayClem For This Useful Post:

    Gasman (02-12-2019), Toroblanco (02-12-2019)

  3. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Now ya need a good Escher, Jerry. Its the last rock, u don't have.
    That made me laugh! You know, at some point, Jerry will have one too. That’s what’s so funny. Wait. Why am I laughing? I gotta get rid of some of these stones myself ......someday.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  4. #13
    Senior Member Toroblanco's Avatar
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    That natural stone rabbit hole is is deeeeeeep! But fun and very rewarding.
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  5. #14
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    A labeled Esher? Maybe someday. Who am i kidding. You know i will have one someday for sure.

    The keen vs. comfort is a trade off at this point. As said, as a new honner learns, keen is king. Than the comfort comes along and you say " if i could have both id have the perfect edge". Next come buying lots of stones chasing that perfect edge. This is where I was a few moths ago. Then you realise that its a trade-off. You cant have the best of both. I have found that you give up one for the other but in a tiny way. Keen but not the keennest. Comfort but not too much comfort as then you loose keen.

    Its a presonnal balance of both for each person. This is what Im chasing now. By honing on 3 different naturals and getting good results in one sitting made me feel very satified with my abilities. I MUST be getting somewhere. Or i got lucky. That is always in the back of my mind.

    If i had used sheffield razors enstead of german would it have gone the same way? I dont know. My findings at this time is i seem to get a keenner edge on german steel. So this is what i use most of the time in my testing. Not saying sheffield is softer or cant hold a finner edge as im no metal guy. This is just what i have found personnally.

    Thank you all for the help over the years in my honing. Without the fine folks here i might not have gotten this far in the real understanding of level of honing. Its far beyond making a sharp edge!
    petercp4e and neehooya like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  6. #15
    Senior Member Diboll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Oops. Sorry bro. It will come around. It just takes time. It took me many many months before it came together with ease. But keep in mind, im a picky bastard! Ha.
    Hey, not a real problem since I'm planning to make it to the North Central Texas Razor Meet in Burkburnett. After that I'll know everything I need to know about making, restoring and honing straight razors!!!
    petercp4e and Gasman like this.
    I may not be as old as dirt, but I do remember when the Dead Sea first begin to feel ill!

  7. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Bigfoot, Unicorns, El Dorado, Fountain of Youth, $2 Eschers, the perfect edge, they are out there, Keep looking.

    It’s the journey, not the destination.
    Steel and Toroblanco like this.

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Euclid440 For This Useful Post:

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  9. #17
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    I once bought a vintage BBW that turned out to be an Escher, one of the better deals I made
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  10. #18
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Let me know when you find that Fountain of Youth Marty. I'll go halves with ya. LOL

    And Diboll, Have fun and learn all you can at the meet. Wish I could make it. But remember, even with all the knowledge, it still takes practice!
    Last edited by Gasman; 02-12-2019 at 08:39 PM.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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