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Thread: Convex black translucent ark razor hone

  1. #41
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    I was told before I started honing on the convex stone to use blade only pressure. I do not know why the mineral oil works better then the mix but it does. As for the convex working faster, I refer this to Jarrod. I've experimented using different numbers of laps and found 20-25 a good starting number. I no longer use Crox because the convex stone gives me a high polish and very smooth shave edge. As far as finding the blade stays flatter on the convex, could be my old hands just take to it. Keep in mind, the actual amount of convexity if there is such a word is minimal. Best way to see it is with a steel ruler laid on the stone. I do not argue that the stones are different, thats why I have so many. If I find a stone that really makes a difference, I feel obligated to pass it along. As a former engineer, sometimes you find something that doesn't make sense but works. As the saying goes, try it you'll like it.
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  3. #42
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jkatzman View Post
    . Keep in mind, the actual amount of convexity if there is such a word is minimal. Best way to see it is with a steel ruler laid on the stone.
    How much crown can you measure this way? I've been using .5 mm crown over an 8" length for my math musings.

  4. #43
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    I think Jarrod would have a better handle on how he grinds the stones and what the convexity is.

  5. #44
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    How much crown can you measure this way? I've been using .5 mm crown over an 8" length for my math musings.
    Quote Originally Posted by jkatzman View Post
    I think Jarrod would have a better handle on how he grinds the stones and what the convexity is.
    I found on his website that the crown is 'just over .4 mm over a 200 mm stone', so my math was pretty much right on.
    Last edited by bluesman7; 04-14-2019 at 12:47 AM.
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  6. #45
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    i like the idea of convex hone

    i'm working on my own concave lapping stone /master stone. i've only sipped the , the kool-aid

    i've seen jarrod's master granite lapping plate/ tiles i'm pretty sure it is .5mm-.6mm sagitta on a 12" granite tile.

    and the the discussion regarding using a cylinder is off because i dont think a cylinder shaped hone exists that will come close to specs of the Jarrod convex stone, or sphere segment

    they are faster i believe because contact point of edge to stone is smaller. so instead of energy being distributed over overt length of edge because of sphere is a very small contact point.

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