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  1. #1
    Member ZethLent's Avatar
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    Post Japanese Natural Waterstones

    I have a question about Japanese waterstones. As I presently live in Japan I have one of two options for watever I do regarding my shaving routine and supplies. I either buy locally or order from overseas and ussually pay big shipping costs.

    Now, I have been looking into hones and here in Japan if I am looking at natural water stones the cost ranges from (depending on size) about $30 ~ $1500+. And these stones are only in three courseness catagories. 'Ara'(low/course), 'Chu'(mid), and 'Shiage'(high/polish). Granted the price also differs from where the stones have been quarried. Would it be worth my while to use these types of stones over say: Norton or Shapton etc.? Also I have read that these stones because they are natural don't clog up or get polished? Is this true? Or would it be worth getting some Shapton or Norton stones instead (which I gan get locally as well)? What would you guys recommend?

  2. #2
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    The Norton 4K/8K is the standard workhorse hone used by a lot of us. So, if you have that hone then we can give you some very specific advice about that hone and how to use it on a razor. We are pretty much in the dark about the natural Japanese stones. Not to many people have them.

    Hope this helps,
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I would say get yourself the norton and once you have mastered honing with that hone which is like the swiss army knife of straight razor hones then you can experiment with japanese Natural stone Hones. I do have one I bought through a contact in Japan but have to admit I don't know much about it. Its a clay based stone, very soft and fine grained supposedly quarried at iwasaki's own quarry many years ago.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Hi / Welcome

    Shaptons seem to be great, according to some people, whose opinion I respect very much. Not many other 30K options, except top naturals...

    Another winning combo is diamond hones for lower grit and Belgian thereafter.

    I have an expensive Japanese waterstone. It works WONDERS on some razors and not as well on others. I still need to get to know it better.

    You will get lots of advice for a Norton here - when you start out this is very important, indeed. Afterwards you can sell it, if you decide you don't need it and move to other hones


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